Traduzione per "transmitted and is" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Urgent appeals transmitted
Llamamientos urgentes transmitidos
Cases transmitted to the Government
Casos transmitidos al Gobierno
Nomination transmitted by:
Designación transmitida por:
Territories transmitted under
no autónomos transmitida en virtud
A. Communications transmitted to States
A. Comunicaciones transmitidas a los Estados
The Government replied to the newly transmitted individual case, to a collective case transmitted in 1996 and to the comments by the source concerning two previously transmitted cases.
El Gobierno replicó al nuevo caso individual transmitido, a un caso colectivo transmitido en 1996 y a las observaciones formuladas por la fuente sobre dos casos previamente transmitidos.
Information transmitted to the Government
Información transmitida al Gobierno
That was what transmitted;
Eso es lo que ha transmitido.
That it was something transmitted.
Que era algo transmitido.
nothing was being transmitted.
no se había transmitido nada.
The signal is transmitted.
He transmitido la señal.
You ever transmitted any?
¿Tú la has transmitido?
They transmitted and we received.
Ellos han transmitido y nosotros hemos recibido.
The signal is transmitted to a receiver.
La señal es transmitida a un receptor.
It won’t get transmitted.
No podrá ser transmitido.
Warning was already transmitted to Europe.
El aviso ya se había transmitido a Europa.
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