Traduzione per "take food" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He had his lunch with him and was accused of taking food to a terrorist organization.
Como llevaba su almuerzo consigo, lo acusaron de llevar comida a una organización terrorista.
No one takes food to Nafai.
Nadie le llevará comida a Nafai.
They're going to be taking food and water.
Van a llevar comida y agua.
There’s David too – we’ve got to take food for him as well.’
Y hay que pensar en David… tendremos que llevar comida para él también.
“You'll have to take food to the cabin every day,” she said finally.
—Le tienes que llevar comida a la cabaña todos los días —dijo por fin—.
‘You will not only have to take money,’ he warned us, ‘you will have to take food.
—No sólo tienen que llevar dinero —nos advirtió—, también han de llevar comida.
Oh, much better than taking food.
Es mucho mejor que tomar comida.
The attack was meant only to take food from those who had everything and redistribute it to those who had none.
La intención del ataque solo era tomar comida de aquellos que lo tenían todo y redistribuirla entre aquellos que no tenían.
Once there was a people using their hands—when they had hands—only to take food;
Hubo una vez unas gentes que utilizaban las manos, cuando tenían manos, sólo para tomar comida;
Things were rather rushed and I had to take food which would keep.' 'It's just that it's getting a bit...
Las cosas estaban bastante apuradas y tuve que tomar comida que se pudiera conservar. –Pasa que esto se está poniendo...
I don't think I should eat. I shouldn't take food off them.
No debo tomar alimentos de ellos.
You can take food for 2 days and some clothes, 5 kg per person.
Puede tomar alimentos durante 2 días y algo de ropa, 5 kg por persona.
I understand you're refusing to take food.
Entiendo que te niegues a tomar alimento.
We were talking to Dave about taking food from strangers.
Estuvimos hablando con Dave sobre tomar alimentos de extraños.
I must take food by mouth.
Tengo que tomar alimentos por la boca.
He won’t take food from anyone else.”
No tomará alimento de nadie más.
Let’s pray that you’ll be granted the grace to take food.”
Recemos para que te conceda la gracia de tomar alimentos.
Neither was strong enough to wake, take food, or make demands.
Ninguno se encontraba lo bastante fuerte para despertar, tomar alimento o hacer peticiones.
I was convinced that this time the effects of starvation would be bound to make themselves felt sooner —it was ten days since I had begun to take food again, and before that I had fasted for exactly ten days;
Estaba convencido que en esta ocasión los efectos del hambre se harían sentir pronto, hacía diez días que había vuelto a tomar alimentos, y anteriormente había ayunado exactamente otros diez días;
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