Traduzione per "opponents be" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The announcement by the Commission was followed by demonstrations in Kirkuk by opponents of the measure, who claimed it was tantamount to forced displacement.
Después del anuncio de la Comisión, los contrarios a la medida hicieron manifestaciones en Kirkuk y afirmaron que equivalía a un desplazamiento forzado.
The fact that the law had both supporters and opponents was a mark of the pluralism of Korean opinion.
El hecho de que haya personas partidarias y personas contrarias a la revisión de la ley muestra el pluralismo que reina entre la opinión coreana.
The parties have publicly committed themselves either to "neutralize" their opponent politically or to escalate the military confrontation.
Las partes se han comprometido públicamente ya sea a "neutralizar" políticamente a su contrario, o a aumentar los enfrentamientos militares.
Each party has the right to question its opponent.
Cada parte tiene derecho a interrogar a la parte contraria.
Reports of intimidation, detention and torture of opponents of the Government continued.
Continúan los informes de casos de intimidación, detención y tortura de los contrarios al Gobierno.
And each would fear that the opponent might launch a larger attack at any moment.
Cada uno podría temer que el contrario lanzase un ataque más fuerte en cualquier momento.
140. For instance, it was reported that public beatings of AFDL opponents are commonplace, as is the bastonnade, a practice reminiscent of the colonial era.
Así, se dijo que son corrientes las palizas públicas a contrarios a la AFDL, tanto como la práctica de la bastonnade "que hizo recordar la época colonial".
For the opponents, however, the roadblocks are a genuine obstacle to freedom of movement, as well as a means of keeping track of their political activities.
Para los opositores, por el contrario, las barreras representan un verdadero obstáculo a la libertad de circulación así como un instrumento de control sobre sus actividades políticas.
In almost all cultures, raping an opponent's womenfolk was the greatest possible insult.
En casi todas las culturas violar a las mujeres del bando contrario ha sido el mayor insulto posible.
It is the desire to banish the yesterday's hatreds, to understand our opponents' position and to seek the roots of a common future.”
Es la voluntad de superar los odios del ayer, de comprender la postura de quien fue contrario a nosotros y de buscar las raíces para un futuro común.
Follow your opponent’s movements.
Seguir el movimiento del contrario.
If you've never seen the opponent before?
—¿Aunque nunca hayas visto antes al contrario?
and plays that outsmarted the opponent, no matter by whom.
y las jugadas que ridiculizaban al contrario, sin importar quién
asked his opponent, eyeing him doubtfully.
—preguntó su contrario, mirándolo dudoso.
Unfortunately, our opponents take the opposite view.
Por desgracia, nuestros opositores son de la opinión contraria.
His opponent with a desperate promptitude parried and riposted;
Su contrario, con prontitud furiosa, paraba y respondía;
It was a small reminder that he was playing on his opponent’s court.
Era un pequeño recordatorio de que jugaba en campo contrario.
So he combines the sacrifice prerequisite with the extermination of an opponent.
Por eso combina el sacrificio a la antigua con el exterminio de un contrario.
And every weakness in an opponent becomes apparent at first glance.
Y cada debilidad de un contrario se advierte a primera vista.
You win by, er, checkmating your opponent's king.
—Bueno... gana el que hace jaque mate al rey contrario.
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