Traduzione per "is haughty" a spagnolo
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The thing that is most offensive is the haughty and arrogant manner in which America gets them to do its bidding.
Lo más ofensivo es la manera orgullosa y arrogante en que los Estados Unidos de América les hace someterse a su voluntad.
Never shall we submit again to being slaves of a haughty and arrogant empire that refuses to recognize pluralism or boundaries, an empire that decides to blockade our existence and kill all hope.
Jamás volveremos a someternos a la esclavitud del imperio soberbio y arrogante que no reconoce pluralidades ni fronteras, que decide bloquear nuestra existencia y matar toda esperanza.
She was haughty and spiteful.
Era arrogante y rencorosa.
Ellie turned haughty.
Ellie se puso arrogante:
It was tall, and haughty, and terrible.
Era alta, arrogante y terrible.
But I ask—am I haughty?
Pero yo pregunto: ¿soy arrogante?
He is considered to be haughty and arrogant.
Se le considera altivo y arrogante.
Mateo was irritably haughty.
Mateo se mostró desagradablemente arrogante.
His demeanor was as haughty as ever;
Su conducta era tan arrogante como siempre;
Her demeanor was more haughty than ever.
Su comportamiento fue más arrogante que nunca.
A haughty and arrogant doctor from the capital .
—Un altivo y arrogante médico de la capital…
All those efforts have been flatly rebuffed by the Eritrean authorities, whose attitude and conduct, moreover, have been disdainful, haughty and irresponsible.
Todos nuestros esfuerzos tropezaron con la negativa de las autoridades eritreas, que adoptaron además una actitud y un comportamiento desdeñoso, altivo e irresponsable.
How Lucifer is haughty and boisterously yelling against the three Michaels.
Cómo Luzbel es altivo y se burla a carcajadas de los tres San Migueles.
Haughty, but that’s not treachery.
Son altivos, pero eso no es una traición.
She was a haughty woman.
Era una mujer altiva.
Not to mention the haughty Lucullus.
Y no hablemos del altivo Lúculo.
Haughty, selfish, spoiled.
Eres altiva, egoísta, malcriada.
A pale, haughty waif.
Un palo pálido y altivo.
Illustrious and haughty, a player;
Ilustre y altiva, a un histrión;
She was beautiful, but haughty and wilful;
Era bella, pero altiva y voluntariosa;
She responded with a haughty glance.
Ella le respondió con una mirada altiva.
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