Traduzione per "convincing them" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
“You’ll have to convince them.
—Tendréis que convencerlos.
“Was it hard to convince them?”
—¿Ha sido complicado convencerlos?
But there was no way to convince them.
Pero no había modo de convencerles.
"If you'd only go to your friends in the government and convince them of what . "Convince them?
—Si pudieras ver a tus amigos del Gobierno y convencerles de que… —¿Convencerles?
I’ve convinced them of my powers for years.
Yo llevo años convenciéndoles de mis poderes.
It salved their consciences, and convinced them that they were truly doing good.
Esta actuaba como un bálsamo para su conciencia, convenciéndolos de que estaban haciendo el bien.
I have been convincing them otherwise ever since." He smiled, then turned to face her.
Desde entonces, yo he estado convenciéndolos de lo contrario —Sonrió y se volvió hacia ella—.
This statement drives Evangelicals to distraction, convincing them that the dead Catholic had no chance at heaven at all!
Esta afirmación saca al Evangélico de quicio, convenciéndole de que los católicos fallecidos no tienen oportunidad de entrar en el cielo de ninguna manera.
We think for some reason that we know best what it is men need, and we think we are giving them a gift by convincing them.
Por alguna razón creemos saber mejor que ellos qué es lo que necesitan los hombres, así que convenciéndolos les estamos haciendo un regalo.
“The little clowns come in laughing, and I have to waste a hellacious amount of time convincing them with all the means at my disposal, which are many, that we are not to be sneered at.”
—Los payasitos llegan riendo y yo tengo que desperdiciar un montón de tiempo convenciéndolos, con todos los medios de que dispongo, y no son pocos, de que no somos moco de pavo.
Does he believe that he can compel them to their duty by convincing them that the consequences of their disobedience will be far worse than anything that the Mahdi can do to them?
¿Cree que puede obligarlos a cumplir con su deber convenciéndolos de que las consecuencias de desobedecer serán peores que nada que les pueda hacer el Madí?
The frame is now giving out the proper response to the fence’s sensors, convincing them that no hole exists—so Arthur has explained to Jim as they prepared for their raid.
La estructura emite ahora la respuesta adecuada a los sensores de la verja, convenciéndolos de que no existe ningún agujero…, así se lo explicó Arthur a Jim mientras preparaban su incursión.
We'll get the environmentalists off our case by convincing them mat our clients won't develop the whole area all at once, that the project will be a gradual one, that we care about preserving me wildlife.
—Nos quitaremos de encima a los ecologistas convenciéndolos de que nuestros clientes no urbanizarán toda la zona de inmediato, que se trata de un proyecto gradual, que nos preocupamos por conservar la fauna.
In spite of their failure they were less discouraged than the previous evening, for this failure, in a way, was having a sedative and healthful effect. It convinced them that there was a hard and perhaps long task ahead of them, and that they could not expect to find their treasure winnowed in yellow piles for them.
A pesar del fracaso, estaban los dos menos desanimados que el día anterior, pues la experiencia primera les había producido el efecto de un sedante convenciéndoles de que tendrían que realizar una labor larga y dura.
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