Traduzione per "charge of murder" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
That is to say that none of the military personnel was charged with murder or manslaughter.
Ninguno de los militares fue acusado de asesinato u homicidio.
The culprits (police officers) were arrested and charged with murder.
Los culpables (oficiales de policía) fueron detenidos y acusados de asesinato.
One was pending arrest on a charge of murder.
Otra estaba pendiente de detención también acusada de asesinato.
Afraid that he would be charged with murder, he fled to Kazakhstan.
Temiendo ser acusado de asesinato huyó a Kazajstán.
He allegedly was in detention at the Provincial Jail, charged with murder.
Al parecer estaba detenido en la prisión provincial acusado de asesinato.
He was then officially charged with murder, in the presence of his lawyer.
Entonces, en presencia de su abogado, fue formalmente acusado de asesinato.
In 2008 alone, six (6) teens will be charged with murder.
En 2008 seis adolescentes serán acusados de asesinato.
They have been charged with murder.
Esos agentes de policía están acusados de asesinato.
Some of these suspects were brought to trial and charged with murder or complicity in the crime.
Algunas de ellas fueron llevadas ante la justicia y acusadas de asesinato y complicidad.
Had this newly surfaced evidence been available at the time, there would not have been sufficient cause to bring a charge of murder.
Si esta nueva prueba recién aparecida hubiese estado disponible en su momento, no hubiera existido una causa suficiente para ser acusado de asesinato.
Barabbas held on a charge of murder?
¿barrabás, que ha sido acusado de asesinato?
You're going to stand trial on a charge of murder.
Vais a ser sometidos a juicio acusados de asesinato.
Then, in light of Mr. Reid's confession, please book him on a charge of murder one.
Entonces, a tenor de la confesión del señor Reid, por favor arréstele como acusado de asesinato.
All right, Carol, I'll tell you why I'm going to have to arrest your husband on a charge of murder.
De acuerdo, Carol, le diré por qué tendré que arrestar a su marido, acusado de asesinato.
In which case, this will go to trial on a charge of murder one, punishable by life without parole.
En cuyo caso, irá a juicio acusado de asesinato en primer grado, cadena perpetua sin condicional.
Norma Restarick, I am arresting you on a charge of murder.
Norma Restarick, queda arrestada, acusada de asesinato.
The defendant is charged with murder.
La demandada está acusada de asesinato.
“You’ll be charged with murder and aggravated burglary.
—Será acusado de asesinato con ensañamiento.
Tell them he’s to be charged with murder.
Dígales que será acusado de asesinato.
I was charged with murder, Red, not dead!
–Estaba acusado de asesinato. Red, no muerto.
“He is charged with murder,” murmured Alleyn.
—Está acusado de asesinato —musitó Alleyn.
Professor Azhar has been charged with murder.
El profesor Azhar ha sido acusado de asesinato.
A man is on trial here, charged with murder.
Aquí se está juzgando a un hombre acusado de asesinato.
You'll be facing three charges of murder.
Usted se enfrenta a tres cargos de asesinato.
On the charge of murder under Section 118
En el cargo de asesinato bajo la sección 118
"the charge of murder in the first degree..."
"El cargo de asesinato en primer grado ..."
Jane Downey, you're under arrest on the charge of murder.
Jane Downey, queda arrestada bajo el cargo de asesinato.
You'll go in on charges of murder
Entrarás en cargos de asesinato.
Charge Two - the charge of murder?
- ¿El segundo cargo... el cargo de asesinato?
As to the charge of murder in the first degree...
A los cargos de asesinato en primer grado...
~ Mr Sood, on the charge of murder,
- Sr. Sood, por el cargo de asesinato,
And to the charge of murder in the second degree?
¿Y sobre los cargos de asesinato en segundo grado?
You're under arrest on the charge of murder.
Está arrestada por el cargo de asesinato.
The charge of murder, however, is not.
El cargo de asesinato, en cambio, no se sostiene.
Dr. Hume, I arrest you on the charge of murder
«Doctor Hume, lo arresto con el cargo de asesinato…»
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