Traduzione per "by lived" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He has lived in Iran his entire life, with the exception of a few years when he lived in Pakistan.
Había vivido en el Irán toda su vida, salvo unos pocos años que había vivido en el Pakistán.
I have lived amongst them.
He vivido entre ellos.
If the child has never lived with its family or has lived with them for only a short time;
- Si el niño no ha vivido nunca con su familia o únicamente ha vivido con ella durante un plazo breve;
Since then we have lived in peace.
Y desde entonces hemos vivido en paz.
We have lived in communities, collectively.
Hemos vivido en colectividad, en comunidad.
He was a man who had lived history.
Era un hombre que había vivido la historia.
They have lived with us.
Han vivido con nosotros.
Live in harmony and concord
Vivid en armonía y concordia
A sip and you would have lived, you would have lived, you would have lived!
¡Un sorbo y habríais vivido, habríais vivido, habríais vivido!
He has lived with them and they have lived in him.
Ha vivido con ellos y ellos han vivido en él.
Live, Lord,’ I whispered to him, ‘live.’
Vivid, señor, vivid -le susurré.
I will live through it.
Yo la habré vivido.
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