Traduzione per "being weary" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
You must be weary.
Debes estar cansada.
I'm sure you must be weary dear
# Estoy seguro de que debes de estar cansada querida #
Instead of being weary from the heat, I get the feeling that they're happy.
En lugar de estar cansados del calor, siento que están felices.
A warrior preparing for battle cannot be weary.
Una guerrera lista para la batalla no puede estar cansada.
It is late and our guest must be weary from the road.
Es tarde y nuestros invitados deben estar cansados.
Now, my precious, you must be weary.
Tesoro, debes estar cansada.
Miss Woodhouse... we all know what it is to be weary in spirit.
Srta. Woodhouse... todos sabemos lo que es estar cansados de espíritu.
It's very easy to fall into the tabloid.. ..Hysteria about things, but sometimes it's right to be weary about just walking down the street.
Es muy fácil caer en el periodismo sensacionalista en la histeria acerca de cosas, pero a veces tenemos derecho a estar cansados de ir calle abajo.
These envoys must be weary, O Khan.
Los enviados deben estar cansados, oh, kan.
It's important to eat, or you'll be weary, tired and sad.
Comer es importante, de lo contrario estarás cansada y triste.
Little did she mind not sleeping or being weary if I needed her.
Poco le importaba no dormir o estar cansada si yo la necesitaba.
Then Tulkas slept, being weary and content, and Melkor deemed that his hour had come.
Luego Tulkas se echó a dormir, pues estaba cansado y satisfecho, y Melkor creyó que la ocasión le era propicia.
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