Traduzione per "be reduces" a spagnolo
Be reduces
Esempi di traduzione.
3. Reduce toxic dispersion.
3. Reduce la dispersión tóxica.
:: Reducing the cost per participant
:: Reduce los costos por participante
Infant mortality reduced
:: La mortalidad infantil se reduce
Maternal mortality reduced
:: La tasa de mortalidad materna se reduce
But the system reduces flexibility
Sin embargo, el sistema reduce la flexibilidad
This also reduces absenteeism.
También se reduce así el ausentismo.
...history can't be reduced to dates and names. historia no se reduce a fechas y nombres.
I believe the history of all successful endeavors can be reduced to a series of decisive moments.
La historia de todos los emprendimientos exitosos se reduce a una serie de momentos decisivos.
All over the world, automobile production is being reduced... and here freeways are built.
En todo eI mundo se reduce Ia producción automovilística... y aquí se construyen autopistas.
Has it ever occurred to you that the goal of college is not to be reduced to a piece of meat?
¿Se te ha ocurrido que la experiencia universitaria no se reduce a un pedazo de carne?
That reduces the impact.
Eso reduce la fuerza del impacto.
He reduces everything to numbers.
Lo reduce todo a números.
“It reduces emotional synergy.”
Reduce la sinergia emocional.
But it reduces the work force!
“¡Pero reduce los equipos de trabajo!”
    Vess reduces speed.
Veiss reduce la velocidad.
It reduces speech to command.
Reduce el lenguaje a la orden.
Death is reduced to news.
La muerte se reduce a una noticia.
And this reduces anxiety for the future.
Y esto reduce la ansiedad por el futuro.
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