Traduzione per "attirer" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Eight of the men were in military attire and four in civilian dress. 28. 8 January 2002
A bordo de ella viajaban 15 mujeres y 12 hombres, ocho de ellos con atuendo militar, y cuatro de civil.
There are no restrictions on wearing religious attire or personal items depicting religious symbols.
No hay restricciones en lo que respecta a los atuendos religiosos o los objetos personales que representen símbolos religiosos.
In 1987, the Minister of Education had issued an order requiring proper attire in educational institutions.
En 1987, el Ministro de Educación publicó una orden por la que se exigía vestir un atuendo adecuado en las instituciones educativas.
A number of persons in military attire alighted from it.
Del helicóptero descendieron varias personas que vestían atuendo militar.
The law also prohibits Uzbeks from appearing in public in "ritual" attire - a vague prohibition which is often used against religious attire of all types.
La ley también prohibía a los uzbekos aparecer en público con un atuendo "ritual", prohibición vaga que solía utilizarse en contra de todo tipo de atuendo religioso.
There were 15 persons in military attire with them.
Con ellos se encontraban 15 personas en atuendo militar.
It also confirmed that "the freedom to manifest one's religion encompasses the right to wear clothes or attire in public which is in conformity with the individual's faith or religion.
También confirmó que "la religión comprende el derecho a llevar en público un atuendo que esté en consonancia con la fe o la religión de la persona.
Modest attire and appearance in public is an Islamic requirement for both men and women.
Un atuendo y vestimenta modestos en público es un requisito islámico para hombres y mujeres.
The harvest was a festival, as described by so many chroniclers. The members of the ayllu took part, wearing their best attire, singing and dancing.
La cosecha es fiesta, como tantos cronistas señalaron; los miembros del ayllu participaban llevando sus mejores atuendos, cantando y danzando.
Pupils must attend school in proper and decent attire that does not clash with the culture of the environment.
Los alumnos deben presentarse en la escuela con atuendo limpio y decente, acorde con la cultura del medio.
Your attire is perfect.
Tu atuendo es perfecto.
And nicely attired.
Y qué bonito atuendo.
It's my mourning attire.
Mi atuendo de luto.
Forgive the attire.
Perdónenme el atuendo.
Attire- semiformal daytime.
Atuendo: Semiformal, de día.
Proper coma attire
Ya sabe, atuendo apropiado.
Sherwani (Traditional attire).
Sherwani (atuendo tradicional).
Casual attire today, Whitfield?
¿Atuendo informal, Whitfield?
Excuse the attire.
Perdona el atuendo.
This attire suits you!
¡Este atuendo te queda!
His attire was incredible.
Su atuendo era increíble.
It's appropriate attire.
—Es un atuendo apropiado.
His attire was immaculate.
Su atuendo era impecable.
Only their attire was different.
Sólo el atuendo era distinto.
She dressed herself in male attire,
Ella se vistió con atuendo masculino,
He examined Karel’s attire.
Examinó el extraño atuendo de Karel.
Not exactly standard attire for a scientist.
No era exactamente el atuendo estándar de un científico.
The attire of dandies was studiously muted.
El atuendo de los dandis era estudiadamente contenido.
Rider wore similar attire.
Rider lucía un atuendo similar.
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