Traduzione per "are said" a spagnolo
Are said
Esempi di traduzione.
More is always said than done.
Siempre se dice más de lo que se hace.
It is said that to everything there is a season.
Se dice que todo tiene su época.
The CHAIRMAN said that that was agreed.
65. El PRESIDENTE dice que eso es lo que se ha acordado.
As it is said in the Koran,
Como se dice en el Corán,
It said:
En este dice:
Athletes are said to be the ambassadors of the world.
Se dice que los deportistas somos los embajadores del mundo.
Many were said to be detained with children.
Se dice que muchos de ellos fueron detenidos con sus hijos.
That quotation said it all.
Esta cita lo dice todo.
Their ships are said to number more than 100.
Se dice que cuentan con más de cien naves.
Mutual orgasms are said to increase the chances of conception.
Orgasmos mutuos se dice para aumentar las posibilidades de concepción.
They are said to soothe the nerves of Valtese men.
Se dice que amansan a los hombres valteses.
Both are said to be in alfheim.
Ambos se dice que están en Alfheim.
Troglodytes are said to live there.
Se dice que los Trogloditas viven ahí.
They are said to see with their hands.
Se dice que ven con Ias manos.
They are said to be good against the sweating sickness.
Se dice que son eficaces contra la "enfermedad del sudor".
Its wings are said to touch the sky.
Se dice que sus alas pueden tocar el cielo.
You are said to be the Cicero of Virginia.
Se dice que es usted el Cicerón de Virginia.
They are said to hold immense power too.
Se dice que contienen un inmenso poder también.
Your uncle said, your uncle said.
—Tu tío dice, tu tío dice...
Said I’m special. Said we shouldn’t trust none of you.
Dice que soy especial. Dice que no me fíe de ninguno de vosotros.
“You said that, not I.”
—Eres tú quien lo dice, no yo.
What's said of her?
—¿Lo que se dice de ella?
What is being said?
¿Qué es lo que se dice?
She said it was nothing.
Dice que no fue nada.
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