Traduzione per "admirably" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The Special Committee was, indeed, performing that task admirably.
El Comité Especial está realizando sin duda alguna esa tarea admirablemente.
An important role in the environment arena for which the sport community is admirably suited is that of goodwill ambassador and promoter.
En el terreno ambiental, una función importante para la que los deportistas son admirablemente aptos es la de embajadores de buena voluntad y promotores.
She and the Secretary-General admirably represent the indispensable Secretariat.
Ella y el Secretario General representan admirablemente a la Secretaría, siempre indispensable.
The African Union mission has performed admirably under extraordinarily difficult circumstances and with limited means.
La misión de la Unión Africana se ha desempeñado admirablemente en circunstancias extraordinariamente difíciles y con medios limitados.
I also wish to congratulate your predecessor, who guided our work admirably during the fifty-ninth session.
También deseo felicitar a su predecesor, quien condujo admirablemente nuestros trabajos durante el quincuagésimo noveno período de sesiones.
You really have performed your duties as President admirably well.
Ha desempeñado usted sus tareas de Presidente admirablemente bien.
38. The non-proliferation Treaty was not a perfect instrument, but it had served an admirable purpose during times of great tension.
38. Aunque imperfecto, el Tratado no ha dejado por ello de funcionar admirablemente bien durante períodos de gran tensión.
While admirably self-critical, the report aroused concern, with its reference to the lack of adequate teaching.
Aunque es admirablemente autocrítico, el informe es fuente de preocupación debido a su referencia a la falta de una enseñanza adecuada.
It is a role that the Agency has continued to fulfil admirably.
Es una función que el Organismo ha desempeñado admirablemente.
Admirably resourceful, my dear.
Admirablemente ingenioso, querido.
You maneuvered admirably. You win!
Ud. Maniobró admirablemente.
Which you manage admirably.
Que administras admirablemente.
You're succeeding admirably.
Estás triunfando admirablemente.
That will help admirably.
Eso ayudará admirablemente.
He performed admirably.
Se ha desempeñado admirablemente.
- You performed admirably.
- Has actuado admirablemente.
- They were admirably persistent.
Sí, fueron admirablemente persistentes.
That's admirably devious.
Eso es admirablemente tortuoso.
You have succeeded admirably. Mmm.
-Ha triunfado admirablemente.
'Admirably, sir, admirably, I thank you,' said Jack.
Admirablemente, señor, admirablemente, gracias -respondió Jack-.
It was admirably done.
Lo había hecho admirablemente.
It was admirably composed.
Estaba admirablemente compuesta.
Admirably, monsignore;
Admirablemente bien, monseñor;
and so far they were succeeding to admiration.
habían logrado admirablemente.
The proctor nodded. “Admirably.”
La examinadora asintió. —Admirablemente.
The arrangement worked admirably.
El acuerdo funcionaba admirablemente.
Il avait fait un admirable rétablissement ;
—Se había recuperado admirablemente;
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