Traduzione per "trop légèrement" a inglese
Trop légèrement
Esempi di traduzione.
too slightly
L'autre motif d'éviter un jugement public est l'affection que le peuple porte à Hamlet. Comme la source change le bois en pierre, il changerait ses fautes en vertus et mes flèches, trop légères pour un vent si fort, retourneraient vers mon arc au lieu d'atteindre leur cible.
The other motive why to a public count I might not go is the great love the general gender bear him who, dipping all his faults in their affection would, like the spring that turneth wood to stone convert his gyves to graces so that my arrows, too slightly timbered for so loud a wind would have reverted to my bow again, but not where I had aimed them.
S'il est difficile de proposer un code des impôts qui en légitime l'application, l'idée d'une redistribution des richesses par le biais de l'imposition et de dépenses publiques efficaces n'en semble pas moins rejetée trop légèrement, sans que l'on propose de solution de rechange efficace.
It is difficult to suggest a tax code that would directly support them, but a measure of wealth redistribution via taxation and efficient public spending seems like an idea that is being discarded too lightly and without finding effective alternative solutions.
Poudre trop légère, ça agit inconvenablement.
Dust too lightly, it acts impolitely.
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