Traduzione per "a un fils" a inglese
A un fils
  • has a son
Esempi di traduzione.
has a son
Elle est mariée à Lous Sakhorn et a un fils âgé de 9 ans.
Ms. Bopha is married to Lous Sakhorn and has a son, age 9.
Un de mes cousins a un fils de 18 ou 19 ans.
One story I heard: a cousin of mine has a son around 18 or 19 years old.
Il est marié et a un fils.
He is married and has a son.
Elle a un fils, G.
She has a son, G.
M. Voicu est marié et a un fils.
Mr. Voicu is married and has one son.
En 1959, il a épousé une Canadienne et il a deux fils et plusieurs petitsenfants qui vivent au Canada.
In 1959 he married a Canadian and has two sons in Canada and several grandchildren.
2.1 L'auteur, homme d'affaires, un des principaux représentants de l'organisation non gouvernementale <<Justice pour les enfants>> et membre fondateur de la <<Société pour la médiation familiale>> a un fils né en 1989.
2.1 The author, a businessman and leading representative of the non-governmental organization "Justice for children" and one of the founding members of "Society for Family Mediation", has a son, who was born in 1989.
L'auteur a deux fils, nés le 8 septembre 2003 et le 26 octobre 2009.
The author has two sons, born on 8 September 2003 and 26 October 2009.
Il a un fils; au moment où le requérant a saisi le Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT), ce fils vivait au Kenya chez son grandpère paternel.
He has a son who, at the time of this application to the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) was living with the petitioner's father in Kenya.
Arthur a un fils?
Arthur has a son?
Julie a un fils?
Julie has a son?
- Il a un fils ?
- He has a son ?
Crosby a un fils.
Crosby has a son.
George a un fils.
George has a son.
Elle a un fils ?
She has a son?
Boz a un fils.
Boz has a son.
Alice a un fils.
Alice has a son.
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