Traduzione per "établir une institution" a inglese
Établir une institution
  • establish an institution
Esempi di traduzione.
establish an institution
En Hongrie, la liberté d'établir des institutions éducatives est sans limites.
In Hungary, the freedom to establish educational institutions is not limited.
ix) Le personnel de supervision centrale des établissements et institutions auxquels s'applique la Loi;
(ix) Central supervision staff of the establishments and institutions included in the scope of this Law;
Aux termes de l'article pertinent de la Convention, l'État est tenu d'établir des institutions de garde d'enfants.
According to the relevant article of the Convention, the Government has the obligation to establish childcare institutions.
La Turquie a salué les efforts visant à établir des institutions démocratiques.
Turkey appreciated efforts to establish democratic institutions.
Les participants devaient organiser leur propre exposition dans leurs établissements et institutions.
Those participating had to hold their own exhibitions within their establishments and institutions.
Le personnel de supervision centrale des établissements et institutions auxquels s'applique la loi;
Central supervision staff of the establishments and institutions included in the scope of this Law
La loi sur l'enseignement public garantit la liberté d'établir des institutions éducatives.
The Public Education Act guarantees the freedom to establish educational institutions.
Le processus CSCM a également travaillé à établir des institutions méditerranéennes pour la coopération et la sécurité.
The CSCM process has also worked to establish Mediterranean institutions for cooperation and security.
Pour remplir cette obligation, le Gouvernement a adopté des politiques, une législation et a établi des institutions appropriées.
The Government has adopted policies and laws and established appropriate institutions in order to carry out this obligation.
Placement dans un établissement ou institution d'éducation ou de formation professionnelle habilitée;
He may be placed in an authorized educational or vocational training establishment or institution;
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