Traduction de "пели птицы" à anglaise
Пели птицы
  • birds were singing
  • the birds were singing
Exemples de traduction
birds were singing
Когда я вскочила в панике, в комнате было светло, пели птицы.
When I woke, in a sudden panic, it was light, birds were singing.
В листве недавно зазеленевших деревьев пели птицы.
The birds were singing in the newly leafed trees.
Когда я умолк, уже взошло солнце и пели птицы.
By the time I finished, the sun was up and the birds were singing.
Пели птицы, пахло новой жизнью.
Birds were singing, and the summer day smelled new and alive.
Пели птицы, как они обычно поют в теплое майское утро.
Birds were singing as birds do on warm May mornings.
Первые лучи солнца сияли сквозь резные ширмы, пели птицы.
The first light shone through the screens, and the birds were singing.
Оглушающая тишина правила миром, даже когда пели птицы и перекликались друг с другом насекомые.
A stunned silence permeated the world, even when the birds were singing and the insects calling to one another across the distances.
Пели птицы, пейзажи кругом были созданы мастером ландшафтной архитектуры, воздух пах приятно и здорово.
Birds were singing and the landscape had been planned by master landscape architects and the air smelled sweet and good.
Маленький голый мальчик, гнавший коз, улыбнулся мне, показав молочные зубы и дырки между ними. Пели птицы;
A little bare boy, driving goats, gave me a smile of milk-teeth and holes. The birds were singing;
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