Traduction de "sparandogli" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Non otterrai nulla sparandogli.
You won't want to shoot him.
- Cosa dimostrerai sparandogli?
What do you prove by shooting him?
La disinnescheremo sparandogli contro.
We're gonna defuse the bomb by shooting it to pieces.
Perche' sparandogli hai rovinato tutto.
Because by shooting him, you screwed up everything.
Sparandogli con una lanciarazzi?
By shooting at him with a flare gun?
Tuo padre lo finì sparandogli.
Your daddy ended up shooting the fella.
Come? Tipo sparandogli?
What, like shoot them?
Sì, sparandogli in testa.
By shooting them in the face.
Sparandogli con le nostre pistole?
By shooting our guns at them?
Pensi che sparandogli risolverai i tuoi problemi?
- Aw. You think shooting him is gonna get you out of this fucking mess?
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