Traduction de "costruiva" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Costruiva un'armatura.
He was building a suit.
"Costruivi la casa a Ibanovic"
You build railway.
costruivi navi in bottiglia.
You were building ships in bottles.
- Costruiva di tutto.
He could build anything.
Leo costruiva cose continuamente.
Leo always liked building things.
Cioe', io costruivo patate.
I mean, I used to build potatoes.
Mster Hands costruiva antenne.
Mr. Hands, he was building antennas.
- Le costruiva mio nonno.
My grandfather used to build them.
Costruivo per il futuro.
I was building for the future.
A quei tempi costruiva trucchetti.
He was building tricks then.
E soprattutto, so chi e' l'agente che ha passato la vita a cercarlo e che sa tutto cio' che c'e' da sapere su come costruiva le sue bombe.
And more importantly, I know the agent that spent a lifetime tracking him down and knows everything there is to know about how he constructed his bombs.
Costruivo nicchie... nuove nicchie per la città
Constructing niches... new niches for the city.
j un ingegnere, costruiva una diga.
He's an engineer, here to construct a dam.
Mori' in un incidente anni fa, mentre costruiva una casa.
He was killed in an accident on a construction site, years ago.
Quando costruivo nicchie ci entravo dentro... e mi facevo un pisolino
When constructing the niches I'd get into them... to take a midday nap.
Le costruivo, le ferrovie.
My job was in the construction of railroads.
- Non sapevo che Stanley costruiva bombe.
I didn't know Stanley was making bombs.
Non costruiva mobili.
He didn't make furniture.
Mi costruivo le frecce da solo.
Used to make my own arrows.
Ve l'ho detto che costruivo trappole fantastiche.
Man, I told you I make some awesome traps.
Scommetto che costruivi interi mondi, con queste poche cose.
I bet you could make whole worlds?
Li costruiva a casa.
He used to make them at home.
Se le costruiva da solo.
Used to make them himself.
Ho anche girato un video mentre lo costruivo.
I actually shot a making-of video.
Da bambino, costruivo i modellini dei treni.
When I was a kid, I used to make model trains.
Costruiva bombe con dentifricio e mutande.
He used to make bombs out of toothpaste and underwear.
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