Traduction de "sur la juridiction" à anglaise
Sur la juridiction
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on the jurisdiction
Si on l'analyse, on voit qu'elle recouvre trois types de juridiction : a) la juridiction prescriptive; b) la juridiction exécutive; c) la juridiction judiciaire.
Analytically, such authority involves three types of jurisdiction, namely: (a) prescriptive jurisdiction; (b) enforcement jurisdiction; and (c) adjudicatory jurisdiction.
Les tribunaux exercent trois types de juridiction : juridiction civile, juridiction pénale et juridiction administrative.
The courts exercise three types of jurisdiction: civil jurisdiction, penal jurisdiction and administrative jurisdiction.
- Les notions d'<< immunité >>, de << juridiction >>, de << juridiction pénale >> et d'<< immunité de la juridiction pénale >> et la relation entre l'immunité et la juridiction;
(b) The issue of the content of the concepts of "immunity" and "jurisdiction", "criminal jurisdiction" and "immunity from criminal jurisdiction" and the relationship between immunity and jurisdiction;
La juridiction est divisée entre la juridiction de droit public (juridiction extraordinaire) et la juridiction ordinaire.
Jurisdiction is divided into jurisdiction under public law (special jurisdiction) and ordinary jurisdiction.
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