Traduction de "tú ve a dormir" à anglaise
Tú ve a dormir
Exemples de traduction
Ve a dormir, Roslynn.
Go to sleep, Roslynn.
Ve a dormir, Ilana.
Go to sleep, Ilana.”
Ve a dormir, Kevin.
Go to sleep, Kevin.
Ve a dormir, Áyax.
Go and sleep, Ajax.
Ahora ve a dormir, cariño.
Go to sleep now, darling.
Luego agregó: «Ve a dormir.
Then she added: “Go to sleep.
Ve a dormir —me dijo. Y me dejó.
Go to sleep,’ he said, and left me.
Ve a dormir, muchacho, nada hay aquí para ti.
Go to sleep, boy, there is nothing here for you to do.
Ve a dormir, yo me quedaré vigilando.
Go and sleep,’ I told him. ‘I’ll watch now.’
you go to sleep
—Lo haré yo. Tú ve a dormir. 20 DE NOVIEMBRE (TARDE) BITÁCORA DE SUEÑOS
—I will. You go to sleep. NOVEMBER 20 (EVENING) DREAM JOURNAL
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