Traduction de "que considerando seriamente" à anglaise
Que considerando seriamente
Exemples de traduction
Sin embargo, las autoridades están considerando seriamente la posibilidad de crear un registro central con los nombres de los detenidos y los lugares de detención.
However, the setting up of a central registry for entering the names of detainees and the place of their detention is something which the authorities are seriously considering.
El Gobierno seguirá considerando seriamente si acepta el sistema, mientras tiene en cuenta las opiniones de varios sectores.
The government will continue to seriously consider whether or not to accept the system, while taking into account opinions gathered from various quarters.
Como se ha mencionado en varias oportunidades, el Japón está considerando seriamente su adhesión al Estatuto de Roma.
As mentioned on a number of occasions, Japan is seriously considering accession to the Rome Statute.
El Gobierno de Nepal está considerando seriamente las recomendaciones formuladas por el Relator Especial sobre la tortura a fin de introducir las reformas legislativas necesarias.
The GON is seriously considering the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on Torture for making necessary legal reforms.
Hay 115 países que han suscrito el Código, en tanto que otros más están considerando seriamente la posibilidad de hacer lo mismo a la brevedad.
There are 115 countries that have subscribed to the Code, and more countries are seriously considering taking that step soon.
Nos complace observar que 124 países ya han suscrito el Código y que una serie de países adicionales estén considerando seriamente adoptarlo en breve.
We are pleased that 124 countries have already subscribed to the Code and that additional countries are seriously considering taking that step soon.
La Unión Europea está considerando seriamente este tema.
That subject was being seriously considered by the European Union.
21. La UNESCO está considerando seriamente la posibilidad de utilizar la tecnología de satélites para ejecutar en el futuro programas de educación y ciencias, y para propósitos humanitarios.
UNESCO was seriously considering the use of satellite technology for the implementation of future education and science programmes and for humanitarian purposes.
73.24 Seguir considerando seriamente la creación de una institución nacional de derechos humanos (Filipinas);
Continue to seriously consider setting up a national human rights institution (Philippines);
Pero antes de esto, estaba considerando seriamente retirarme.
But before all this, I had been seriously considering retiring.
Estoy considerando seriamente dejar de verle.
I’m seriously considering not seeing him anymore.
Estoy considerando seriamente hacer un viajecito allí.
Seriously considering heading down there for a visit.
—Creo que ha estado considerando seriamente la posibilidad de matarme.
“I think he was seriously considering killing me.”
—Estoy considerando seriamente en partir como habíamos planeado originalmente.
“I’m seriously considering leaving when we originally planned.
Estaba considerando seriamente no hacer el amor con esta hermosa mujer.
He was seriously considering not making love with this beautiful woman.
César inclinaba el rostro, considerando seriamente la cuestión.
Cesar bowed his head, seriously considering the problem.
Estoy considerando seriamente dejar esta zona de la Ku’damm.
I’m seriously considering whether I should move out of the Kudamm area.’
Michael Carter estaba considerando seriamente buscarse un nuevo despacho.
Michael Carter was seriously considering getting new office space.
Tanis estaba considerando seriamente esta expedición suya al interior del bosque negro. ¡Pero no podía hacer eso!
Tanis really was seriously considering this expedition of his into the black forest. But he couldn't!
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