Traduction de "presionándolos" à anglaise
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Rodearon a los recién llegados, presionándolos para dar otro discurso más.
They surrounded the returnees and pressed them into yet another speech.
Creyeron estar a salvo más allá de las cataratas, pero los explotadores blancos siguieron presionándolos.
They thought they were safe once they went beyond the Great Falls, but white exploiters continued to press them.
Una vez que el senescal se hubo marchado, Alhana volvió a tomar las manos de su padre, presionándolas afectuosamente.
The steward gone, Alhana took her father's hands again, pressing them warmly.
Llevaba un año presionándolos inútilmente para que lo hicieran, como tantos otros judíos que estaban huyendo de Europa;
For a year now he had been unsuccessfully pressing them to flee Europe, as so many other Jews were doing.
Enterró los labios en su pelo, presionándolos con fuerza contra la parte superior de su cabeza e inhalando su dulce esencia.
He buried his lips in her hair, pressing them tightly to the crown of her head, inhaling her sweet scent.
Además, su esposo amenazaba constantemente su estabilidad financiera, presionándola para que accediera a su propuesta de dejar a los niños con él y de renunciar a la mayor parte de los bienes de la familia.
In addition, he was constantly threatening her financial stability, pressuring her to agree to his proposal to leave the children with him and to give up most of the family property.
El Consejo debe resolver esos dos problemas utilizando el mismo enfoque que permitió poner de manifiesto los métodos en cuestión, a saber, manteniendo una actitud firme y tenaz, haciendo caso omiso de las afirmaciones y embustes del régimen y presionándolo constantemente.
It should use in resolving these two issues the same approach that led to the exposure of the methods in question, namely a firm and tenacious stance, disregard for the claims and lies of this regime and continued pressure on it.
La fuente afirma que estuvo incomunicado, presionándole para que revelase sus fuentes.
The source alleged that he was being detained incommunicado and was being pressured to reveal his sources;
Desde el momento en que se presentó una denuncia oficial en la policía contra el tratante de A en 2006 hasta la detención de este en 2010, el hombre siguió en contacto con su víctima, acosándola constantemente y presionándola para que retirara los cargos y no prestara testimonio contra él.
From the time an official complaint was filed with the police against A's trafficker in 2006 until his arrest in 2010, the man remained in contact with his victim, constantly harassing her, pressuring her to drop the charges and not to testify against him.
Estáis presionándola demasiado.
Y'all are putting too much pressure on her.
Tienes que seguir presionándolo.
You've gotta keep pressure on it.
McLeod ha estado presionándole.
McLeod's been pressuring him.
Su madre estuvo aquí presionándole.
His mother was here putting pressure on him.
Los canacos no se quiebran presionándolos.
We Kanaks won't crack under pressure.
Tienes que seguir presionándolos.
You have to keep up the pressure.
- ¿Dijo por qué estaba presionándole?
- Did he say why he was pressuring you?
Presionándola para que tuvieran relaciones sexuales.
He was pressuring her for sex.
¿Presionándole todavía más? ¿Echándole?
By putting yet more pressure on him?
Estaba presionándola para que hiciera una escena.
She could feel the little pressure he was exerting on her to make a scene.
Quizá presionándolo lo bastante, acabe hablando.
If we apply the right kind of pressure, he might talk.
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