Traduction de "pedazos de tela" à anglaise
Pedazos de tela
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Exemples de traduction
El conductor vendó las heridas del autor con pedazos de tela.
The driver treated the author's wounds with pieces of clothes.
No se había suicidado colgándose con un pedazo de tela en el calabozo.
He had not committed suicide by hanging himself with a piece of cloth in the police lock-up room.
Parece un pedazo de tela.
Looks like a piece of cloth.
Deme ese pedazo de tela.
Give me that piece of cloth.
Un pedazo de tela, una bobina, una pelota...
A piece of cloth, a spool, a tennis ball...
- Es una tela, un pedazo de tela.
- It's a piece of cloth.
Hay un pedazo de tela atascado.
It's stuck on a piece of cloth here.
¡No es un pedazo de tela!
is not a piece of cloth!
Trae un pedazo de tela de mi alforja.
Get me a piece of cloth from my saddlebag!
Su grito fue sofocado por un pedazo de tela.
Her cry was stifled by a piece of cloth.
Y sé que ese pedazo de tela que tienes en la mano era mío.
And I know that piece of cloth in your hand was mine.
Perry Mason cogió un pedazo de tela.
Perry Mason picked up a small piece of cloth.
Se trataba de un largo pedazo de tela, que reconoció inmediatamente.
It was a long piece of cloth, which he recognized immediately.
Miré aquel pedazo de tela deshilachada, el amarillo muy desvaído.
I looked down at the tattered piece of cloth, the yellow faded and sour.
Panamon Creel clavó el pedazo de tela en su punzón, y sonrió.
Panamon Creel impaled the piece of cloth on the end of his pike, smiling grimly.
—¿El otro? —Otro pedazo de tela, exactamente de esta forma y este tamaño. miró al techo.
"Another piece of cloth, exactly this shape and size… " He looked up at the ceiling.
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