Traduction de "mantenerse erguido" à anglaise
Mantenerse erguido
Exemples de traduction
Molochai y Twig se agarraban el uno al otro intentando mantenerse erguidos.
            Molochai and Twig clutched each other, trying to stay upright.
Su centro del equilibrio cambió, y se balanceó para mantenerse erguido.
His center of balance shifted, and he swayed to stay upright.
Tegger y Warvia caminaban aferrados, intentándose mantenerse erguidos.
Tegger and Warvia walked with their arms around each other, trying to stay upright. They'd been in motion too long.
Sintió la bilis en el fondo de la garganta y aspiró hondo, tratando de mantenerse erguida.
She could feel the bile in the back of her throat. She took a long breath and tried to stay upright.
Malus gritó de perplejidad y cólera mientras se esforzaba por mantenerse erguido sobre Rencor, que atravesaba la muchedumbre.
Malus cried out in bewilderment and anger, struggling to stay upright as Spite tore into the mob.
La sacó de la jaula, y Lili apoyó sobre él la mayor parte del peso con tal de mantenerse erguida.
He led her from the cage, Lili putting most of her weight on him to stay upright.
Se las arregló para mantenerse erguido mientras se lanzaba, trastabillando sobre las rodillas en su mejor escenificación de un ataque.
He managed to stay upright as he lurched, hobbling forward on his knees in his best approximation of a charge.
Se aferró al pomo de la silla y se obligó a mantenerse erguida, sus ojos abiertos negando la segunda visión.
She clutched her pommel and forced herself to stay upright, open eyes denying the second sight.
De mala gana permitió que dos de los hombres colocaran los hombros bajo sus brazos para ayudarle a mantenerse erguido.
He reluctantly let two of the men put their shoulders under his arms to help him stay upright.
Le temblaban las rodillas del esfuerzo de mantenerse erguido.
His knees shook from the effort of standing upright.
Y, a diferencia de las lagartijas, muchos dinosaurios parecían mantenerse erguidos.
And, unlike lizards, many dinosaurs seemed to stand upright.
La cabaña apenas permitía a Ginebra mantenerse erguida.
The hut was only just high enough for Guinevere to stand upright.
No tenían la culpa de estar un poco demasiado tristes o marchitas para mantenerse erguidas.
It wasn’t their fault they were a little too sad or old to stand upright.
Pueden mantenerse erguidos, pero se deslizan en vez de caminar. Ella se rio.
They can stand upright, but they roll instead of walk.” She laughed.
Se obligó a mantenerse erguido. —Necesito intentarlo. Keiro suspiró.
He made himself stand upright. "I need to try." Keiro sighed.
Los niños bastante pequeños como para mantenerse erguidos debajo de ella, son criados como propios;
Male children small enough to stand upright beneath it are nurtured as our own;
El techo era bajo, pero no tanto como para impedir mantenerse erguido a un hombre de la estatura de Smithback.
The ceiling was low, but not so low that a man as tall as Smithback couldn’t stand upright.
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