Traduction de "iglesia y casa" à anglaise
Iglesia y casa
Exemples de traduction
Se han construido y restaurado miles de minaretes, iglesias y casa de oración, incluidos templos ortodoxos en Tashkent, Samarcanda y Navoi, la iglesia católica de Tashkent y la iglesia armenia de Samarcanda.
Hundreds of mosques, churches and houses of worship have been built or restored, including Orthodox churches in Tashkent, Samarqand and Navoiy, a Catholic church in Tashkent and an Armenian church in Samarqand.
Limpiamos la iglesia, la casa.
We clean the church, the house.
Con su nave en penumbra, su techo abovedado y sus arcos medievales, la biblioteca pretendía evocar una iglesia, una casa de culto para los lectores, y nosotros nos mostramos adecuadamente piadosos.
With its dark nave, vaulted ceilings and medieval archways the library was meant to evoke a church, a house of worship for readers, and we were appropriately pious.
El predicador vivía en la posada, porque todavía no tenía ni iglesia ni casa, y la posada estaba sólo a unos seis kilómetros, pero se había levantado una tormenta tan fuerte que ni siquiera se veían los árboles al borde del claro.
The preacher was at the inn as there was no church or house for him yet and the inn was only about four miles away, but the storm had come up very fierce so you could not even see the trees at the edge of the clearing.
La filosofía se situaba al nivel de los genitales y entonces todo el problema residía en salvar el pellejo, llegar a un muro, alcanzar lo más pronto posible una cresta, una iglesia, una casa en ruinas… y si volvían a sonar las ametralladoras, tirarse al suelo hasta incrustarse en él para poder pasar debajo de las balas, aprovechar los desniveles del terreno, un bache, un hueco en el suelo, un embudo de mina, un charco, un lodazal donde chapalear con el fango hasta las orejas como búfalos, tratando de avanzar.
Philosophy was something you felt in your vitals, so that all you could think about was saving your hide, getting to a wall, reaching a crest as quickly as possible, a church, a house in ruins … And if the machine guns started up again, throw yourself on the ground, embed yourself within it, so you could pass under the bullets, over uneven terrain, a hole in the ground, a dugout, a mine crater, a puddle, and lap through a swamp like a buffalo up to your ears in mud, trying to advance.
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