Traduction de "haciendo ha" à anglaise
Haciendo ha
Exemples de traduction
doing ha
Lo que hemos estado haciendo ha sido... maravilloso.
What we've been doing has been...great.
Quiero decir, es cierto, nada de lo que ha estado haciendo ha sido con la intención pero no puedo creer que nos demandase.
I mean, granted, nothing he's been doing has really been in character, but I just don't believe he would sue.
Todo lo que he estado haciendo ha sido sólo un llamado de auxilio.
Everything I've been doing has just been a cry for help.
Todo lo que has estado haciendo ha ido acumulándose y va suceder a lo largo de una semana.
Everything that you've been doing has been building up and is going to happen over one week.
Todas las escaramuzas, todas las misiones... todo lo que hemos estado haciendo ha sido concebido para mantener a los espheni alejados del rastro de esto.
All the skirmishing, all the missions -- everything that we've been doing has been designed to keep the Espheni off the scent of this.
Todo lo que hemos estado haciendo ha sido solo para ganar tiempo.
Everything that we've been doing has just been to buy time.
Te pedí ayuda para desbaratar a mi antigua banda y todo lo que he estado haciendo ha sido trabajar para lograrlo.
I asked you for help taking down my old gang and everything I've been doing has been working toward that.
Ve y diles a los hermanos que lo que el hermano pastor está haciendo, ha hecho ha sido de gran beneficio para la Nación.
You go and tell the brothers that what the Brother Minister is doing, has done has been of great benefit to the Nation.
Lo que estén haciendo, ha debilitado su hechizo.
Whatever you're doing has weakened his spell.
De hecho, sea lo que sea lo que hemos estado haciendo ha estado genial, Tay, pero no puedo más.
In fact, whatever it is we've been doing has been great, Tay, but I can't anymore.
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