Traduction de "ha regalado" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
John, mira lo que me ha regalado Adam.
- John. Look what Adam has given me!
Me la ha regalado un amigo.
A friend has given it to me.
Papá ha regalado nuestra casa en caridad.
Dad has given away our house in charity.
Nadie me ha regalado nada.
Nobody has given me anything for free.
Naina me ha regalado esta corbata
Naina has given me this tie
¡Tofik ha regalado autos a otras mujeres!
Tofik has given cars to women before!
Alguien ha regalado secretos corporativos.
Someone there has given away corporate secrets.
Mira lo que el destino te ha regalado
Look at what fate has given you.
porque Dios me ha regalado una compañera.
Because life has given me a companion..
Pero me ha regalado a Siddhartha, a mí mismo».
But he has given me Siddhartha, myself.
Mister Maxim le ha regalado el mar.
Mister Maxim has given her the sea.
Él mismo ha regalado uno o dos. —¿Recientemente?
“He has given one or two away himself.” “Lately?”
De hecho, le ha regalado la granja, y ahora es suya.
My father has given him the farm, in fact, and it is now his.
Un feligrés nos ha regalado una caja se vino excelentes.
One of our parishioners has given us several cases of very nice wine.
¿Qué vamos a hacer con esta noche que nos ha regalado Dios, Margie?
What shall we do with this night God has given us, Margie?
—¡Mire el marquito de retrato que me ha regalado hoy Andrei!
See what a pretty picture-frame Andrey has given me today!
—A lo largo de los años me ha regalado treinta muñecas iguales, si no me falla la memoria.
He has given me thirty such dolls over the years if recollection serves me.
El buda me ha robado —reflexionó Siddhartha—. Me ha robado, pero más aún me ha regalado.
I am deprived by the Buddha, thought Siddhartha, I am deprived, and even more he has given to me.
Ha regalado su colección a sus primos rumanos, que son pequeños y vinieron a Estados Unidos unos meses antes.
He has given his collection to his school-aged cousins from Romania, who came to America a few months earlier.
–Di a Khal Drogo que me ha regalado el viento -pidió al magíster Illyrio cuando se detuvo ante él.
When she pulled up before Magister Illyrio, she said, “Tell Khal Drogo that he has given me the wind.”
Me ha regalado una hermosa yegua, mezcla de caballo berberisco e inglés, y salgo a cabalgar todos los días.
He has given me a very beautiful mare of Barbary stock mixed with English, and I ride her every day.
Pienso en el riesgo que corrió William saliendo en mi defensa delante de su madre, en la absolución que me ha regalado.
I think of the risk William took in coming to my defense before his mother, the gift of absolution he has given me.
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