Traduction de "estar sin blanca" à anglaise
Estar sin blanca
Exemples de traduction
(1947) UNO Había cosas peores que estar sin blanca, pero en ese momento a Jack Levitt no se le ocurría ninguna.
PART ONE The Juveniles 1947 One There were worse things than being broke, but for the moment Jack Levitt could not think of any of them.
Aunque la razón por la que me encontraba allí aquel día no era en absoluto esa, estar sin blanca era una forma de vida y apenas reparaba ya en ello.
But the reason I was there that day was not just the fact that I was broke, not at all, being broke was a way of life, I hardly noticed it any more.
Esa tarde, cuando volví a verle, yo estaba tumbado en la playa con dos maricas que me habían tomado por un colgado y que estaban intentando convencerme para que me fuera con ellos diciéndome que tenían marihuana en casa… cambiando de tema cuando yo volvía a repetir una y otra vez que estaba «sin blanca»: la pista estándar cuando no estabas del todo seguro de que alguien fuera a pagarte por montártelo con él… Eran dos chicos jóvenes y delgados;
           That afternoon, when I saw him again, I was lying on the beach with two fairies who had spotted me for a teahead and were trying to get me to go with them by telling me they had some marijuana at home—changing the subject when I kept referring to being “broke”: the standard hint when youre not entirely sure someone will pay you for making it.... Both of them were youngish and slender;
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