Traduction de "derrota sufrida" à anglaise
Derrota sufrida
Exemples de traduction
4. El Sr. Edwards (Asamblea Legislativa de las Islas Falkland) dice que, como consecuencia de la derrota sufrida por la Argentina a raíz de su invasión y ocupación ilegales de las Islas Falkland 30 años atrás, ese país puso fin a su brutal dictadura militar y ha experimentado el período de democracia más largo de su historia.
4. Mr. Edwards (Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands) said that as a result of the defeat suffered by Argentina following its illegal invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands 30 years earlier, that country had put an end to its brutal military dictatorship and experienced the longest period of democracy in its history.
Durante toda su infancia su padre le había explicado los detalles de las derrotas sufridas contra la República desde los primeros enfrentamientos.
Throughout his childhood, his father had inculcated into him the details of every defeat suffered against the Republic in the first great struggle between it and Carthage.
Cuando el rugido de la muchedumbre amainó, el pregonero relató con deleite las humillantes derrotas sufridas por Quinto Opio y los detalles de su captura.
As the roar of the crowd subsided, the crier with great relish detailed the humiliating defeats suffered by Quintus Oppius and the details of his capture.
Me parece que nuestros kahoas están decididos a vengar la derrota sufrida.
- It seems to me that our kahoa are determined to avenge their defeat.
Pero lo peor de todo para mí es que me considera una mujer incapaz de reconciliarse con la derrota sufrida;
And worst of all for me, he thinks of me as a woman who cannot reconcile herself to defeat;
—En Saratoga. La noticia de la derrota sufrida en Saratoga cayó como un mazazo sobre los británicos.
“Saratoga.” The news of the British defeat at Saratoga burst upon the British like a thunderclap.
Napoleón se había equivocado al creer que la derrota sufrida en Ligny había desalentado por completo a los prusianos.
Napoleon had been wrong in thinking that their defeat at Ligny had knocked all fight out of the Prussians.
Los franceses no olvidaban las derrotas sufridas, y odiaban en particular a los hombres que empuñaban los largos arcos de guerra.
The French had long memories of defeat and they hated the men who drew the long war bow.
Estaba demasiado ocupado pensando en sus muchas penalidades, en las derrotas sufridas y en el terrible peligro que corrían. Y no sólo ellos.
He was too busy thinking about all the hardships, and the defeats, and the terrible dangers they were in. And not only them.
La República Democrática Alemana debe ponerse en el platillo de la balanza igual que la decisiva derrota sufrida en la parte occidental del país.
The German Democratic Republic must be entered on the balance sheet as much as the decisive defeat in the western part of the country.
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