Traduction de "culata del rifle" à anglaise
Culata del rifle
Exemples de traduction
A mitad de camino, golpeó un tronco con la culata del rifle.
Halfway down, he knocked his rifle-stock against a sapling.
Neal se pegó la culata del rifle a la mejilla y centró la V en la espalda de Strekker.
Neal brought the rifle stock to his cheek and centered the V on Strekker’s back.
Neal se pegó la culata del rifle a la mejilla y se concentró en situar la mira justo sobre el supuesto corazón de Strekker.
Neal braced the rifle stock against his cheek and focused on placing the bead right on Strekker’s alleged heart.
Este tenía la culata del rifle bajo el brazo, el dedo en el disparador, el caño de la monstruosa arma dirigido hacia el vientre del alemán.
David had the rifle stock under his arm, his finger on the trigger, the barrel of the monster weapon leveled at the German's stomach.
En lugar de eso, bajé la culata del rifle, con la esperanza de matar a la intrusa igual que Henry había matado a la superviviente del pozo con la pala.
Instead, I brought the rifle-stock down, hoping to kill this intruder as Henry had killed the survivor from the well with his shovel.
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