Traduction de "a causa de ello" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Pero no me siento orgulloso a causa de ello.
But I am not proud because of that.
Habría presiones psicológicas de la audiencia a causa de ello.
There would be psychological pressures from the audience because of that.
A causa de ello no quedaban habitaciones libres.
Because of that, there weren't any rooms left for rent.
Y a causa de ello murieron los dos.
“They both died because of it.”
—Y, al fin, fue asesinado a causa de ello
‘And eventually he was murdered because of it.’
Y los hidranos han sufrido a causa de ello.
And the Hydrans have suffered because of it.
Mi trabajo ha sufrido a causa de ello.
My work has suffered because of it.
A causa de ello, Calisto engendró un hijo.
Because of it Callisto bore him a son.
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