Traduction de "to cling to" à espagnol
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Her skin was so smooth that it seemed to cling to him.
Tenía la piel tan suave que parecía adherirse a la suya.
Almayer had at least something tangible to cling to, but Nina, brought up under the
La madre de Nina tenía, por lo menos, algo tangible a que adherirse;
Aragon could feel it clinging to the roof of his mouth and the membranes of his nose.
Aragón la sentía adherirse al paladar y a las membranas de la nariz.
the gutters were empty because the new snow was too cold to cling.
las cunetas estaban vacías porque la nieve reciente era demasiado fría para adherirse.
Macrocystis thalassi needs rocks to cling to—it’s not like the free-floating Sargassum.”
El Macrosystis thalassi necesita rocas a las que adherirse; no es como el Sargassum que flota libremente.
We can. "You need something to cling to," she heard Madge say.
Nosotros podemos». —Una necesita alguna cosa a que adherirse —oyó decir a Madge—.
His decisions are final, simply because his death does not permit him time to cling to anything.
Sus decisiones son definitivas, simplemente porque su muerte no le da tiempo de adherirse a nada.
To cling to the mundane self was, therefore, a delusion that would lead inescapably to pain and confusion.
Adherirse al yo mundano era, por tanto, una vana ilusión que conducía de forma inexorable al dolor y la confusión.
They have to cling to their jobs.
Tienen que aferrarse a sus empleos.
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