Traduction de "performing miracles" à espagnol
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Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with performing miracles such as healing the sick, walking on water, raising the dead, he was also known as the "King of Kings," the "Son of God,"
Jesús tenía 12 discípulos, con los cuales viajaba realizando milagros tales como sanar a los enfermos, caminar sobre el agua resucitar a los muertos.
Well, this missionary is apparently trying to prove the validity of his claims by performing miracles.
Bueno, esos misionarios aparentemente intentan probar la validez de sus afirmaciones... realizando milagros
His words, his followers are spreading across the land, fulfilling prophecies, performing miracles, risen from the dead, that is no story!
Sus palabras,sus seguidores se están propagando por todo el mundo, cumpliendo profecías, realizando milagros, resucitando muertos, ¡Todo eso no son cuentos,ni historias!
The Jews turned around and performed miracles of redemption.
Pero los judíos lo revolvieron todo, realizando milagros en lo referente a poner las tierras en cultivo.
I am being called to a second task tonight … one I had not imagined. Last night, when Peter Solomon told the last of his secrets, Mal’akh had learned of the existence of a secret lab in which Katherine Solomon had performed miracles—staggering breakthroughs that Mal’akh realized would change the world if they were ever made known.
«Siento la llamada de mi segunda tarea de esta noche..., una que no había previsto.» La noche anterior, cuando Peter Solomon le contó el último de sus secretos, Mal'akh descubrió la existencia de un laboratorio secreto en el que Katherine Solomon había estado realizando milagros, y obteniendo unos avances tan asombrosos que —Mal'akh era consciente de ello— de hacerse públicos cambiarían el mundo.
I can't go around performing miracles.
Yo no puedo pasar haciendo milagros.
Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water.
Horus tenía 12 discípulos con quienes viajaba haciendo milagros...
It is foolish to think we could drive them out of Judea... by spreading word ahead and performing miracles.
Es una tontería pensar que podemos echarlos de Judea... predicando y haciendo milagros.
She gets to fly around the world and perform miracles.
Consigue volar por todo el mundo haciendo milagros.
Then I heard who was gathering followers , and performing miracles.
Luego oí que andaba reuniendo seguidores, y haciendo milagros.
Well, as long as you're going to perform miracles, why don't you turn my water into wine? why don't you turn my water into wine?
Y ya que estas haciendo milagros, por qué no coviertes mi agua en vino?
He was performing miracles with Indian ink.
Estaba haciendo milagros con la tinta china.
The saints all around them, smiling and performing miracles in their moments of pain, Misty reaches out to take a hymnal.
Con todos los santos a su alrededor, sonriendo y haciendo milagros en sus momentos de dolor, Misty extiende el brazo para coger un misal.
It wasn’t his fault she was still tender from where the wolf soldier had bitten her, and at least the numbing pain salve they’d found was performing miracles.
no era su culpa que su hombro todavía estuviera lastimado allí donde el soldado lobo la había mordido, y al menos el ungüento para adormecer el dolor que habían encontrado estaba haciendo milagros.
Daisy Robeson's son Warwick has just got back from three years in Iran, where he and his lovely little family had such a nice time, he was working as an adviser there, it somehow has all to do with oil, he says the Shah is performing miracles, all this splendid modern architecture right in their capital city—oh, what is its name, I want to say New Delhi
El hijo de Daisy Robeson, Warwick, acaba de volver del Irán, donde ha pasado tres años magníficos con su adorable familia; estuvo trabajando allí como consejero en algo que tiene que ver con el petróleo. Dice que el Sha está haciendo milagros, introduciendo la espléndida arquitectura moderna en su capital…, ¿cómo se llama…? ¡Ah, sí, Nueva Delhi…!
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