Traduction de "i remembered" à espagnol
Exemples de traduction
I remember that I remembered—or might have remembered it.
Recuerdo que recordé o habría recordado.
I remembered the amethysts.
Recordé las amatistas.
I remembered the nettles.
Me acordé de las ortigas.
Well, mostly I remember that you didn't remember me.
Bueno, principalmente recuerdo que tu no me recordabas.
OK, I just thought I remembered somebody saying last week that her
Bueno, pensé que me recordaba alguien diciendo la semana pasada que su
Why not say that I remembered ?
¿Por qué no dijiste que me recordabas?
And I remembered myself at the plebiscite... raising my hand in a heathen salute... and saying not, "Praise to the Lord," but "Heil Hitler."
Y yo me recordaba a mí mismo el día del plebiscito levantando la mano en un saludo pagano no diciendo "Rogad al Señor" sino "Heil Hitler".
It's a quote that I remembered, but do not know where I heard.
Es una cita que me recordaba, pero no sé dónde lo he oído.
I remembered it because it reminded me of my father.
Me recordaba a mi padre.
I remembered seeing her with Vaughn... their relationship reminded me my own with my late wife...
Me acuerdo de haberla visto con Vaughn... Su relacion me recordaba a la mia con mi difunta mujer...
Excellent, I was worried you won't be as I remembered you.
Excelente, estaba preocupado No sabia si me recordabas
Then I remembered the Egyptian pyramids.
Entonces me recordaba a las pirámides de Egipto.
Something that I remembered—and didn’t remember.
Algo que yo recordaba... y no recordaba.
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