Traduction de "half-witted" à espagnol
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Me? Harmless, stuttering, half-witted Claudius?
—¿De mí? ¿Del inofensivo, tartamudo e imbécil de Claudio?
He made no resistance, but was still laughing in a groggy and half-witted style.
No oponía resistencia, pero todavía seguía riéndose con risa de borracho o de bobo.
To some of us it sounded as if they used him as a clown, for entertainment, like the dwarfs Corric kept as wrestlers, or his half-witted, one-eyed, giant bodyguard Hurn.
A algunos, eso nos sonaba más bien a que lo estaban utilizando como si fuese un payaso, para entretenerse, como los enanos luchadores que tenían los Corric o como Hurn, su guardaespaldas gigante, bobo y tuerto.
“According to the file I have before me, their relationship dates back four years. At the time, Ipek Hanım was still married to Muhtar Bey—who as you know is no longer running for mayor, having withdrawn from the race of his own free will just the other day. It seems that this half-witted old leftist—pardon the expression—poet welcomed Blue into his home as an honored guest; of course he was hoping Blue would help him organize the city’s Islamist youth, but don’t you think it’s a shame no one ever told him what a passionate relationship the firebrand was enjoying with his wife while he himself was sitting in his appliance store trying to sell electric stoves?”
Según este informe que tengo delante, su relación comenzó hace cuatro años. Por aquel entonces la señora İpek estaba casada con Muhtar Bey, que ayer se retiró voluntariamente de las elecciones a la alcaldía, y aquel ex izquierdista medio bobo y, con perdón, poeta, lamentablemente no tenía ni idea de que Azul, al que recibía en su casa con tanta admiración porque iba a organizar a los jóvenes islamistas de Kars, estaba teniendo una relación apasionada en su casa con su mujer mientras él vendía estufas eléctricas en su tienda de electrodomésticos.
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