Traduction de "give to reader" à espagnol
Give to reader
Exemples de traduction
It aims to offer a sense of the many areas in which more progress is urgently needed and aims to give the reader a sense of the difficulties and challenges faced by the Maldives.
Su objetivo es mostrar las muchas esferas en que resulta urgentemente necesario avanzar más y dar al lector una idea de las dificultades y obstáculos que enfrenta Maldivas.
What Endo achieves and I aspire to are the same: To give the reader an experience of convincing reality, nevertheless piercing the shell of detail and penetrating to the structure of causation and meaning that we always hope for but never actually experience in the real world.
Lo que Endo consigue es lo mismo a lo que yo aspiro: ambos pretendemos dar al lector una experiencia convincente de la realidad, taladrando la concha del detalle y penetrando en la estructura de causa y significado que siempre esperamos pero nunca experimentamos en el mundo real.
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