Traduction de "eat and sleep" à espagnol
Eat and sleep
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As for the psychological pressure, the author was frequently brought for interrogations, detained in the punishment cell in the above-described conditions, prevented from eating and sleeping and threatened with reprisals against his father and a younger brother.
En cuanto a la presión psicológica, lo sometieron a interrogatorios frecuentes, lo mantuvieron en la celda de castigo en las condiciones antes descritas, le impidieron comer y dormir y lo amenazaron con tomar represalias contra su padre y un hermano menor.
According to reports, Paw U Tun's eye condition and acute pain prevented him from eating and sleeping.
Según los informes recibidos, el estado de la vista de Paw U Tun y sus agudos dolores le impidieron comer y dormir.
Subsequently, the girls allegedly stopped eating and sleeping, and both died.
Posteriormente las muchachas dejaron de comer y dormir y murieron.
In some cases they are forcibly removed from cities; in others they have been prohibited from performing basic activities such as eating or sleeping, affectively prohibiting them from residence there.
En algunos casos, son trasladadas a la fuerza fuera de las ciudades; en otros, se les prohíbe realizar actos elementales como comer o dormir, lo que de hecho constituye una prohibición de residencia.
The interrogation continued for five entire days, during which he was not allowed to eat or sleep.
El interrogatorio se prolongó cinco días completos, durante los cuales no se le permitió comer ni dormir.
He loves to eat and sleep.
Adora comer y dormir.
Right now, you should eat and sleep.
Ahora, debes comer y dormir.
After .. I could .. eat and sleep.
Así podría comer y dormir.
Do you wish to eat and sleep?
¿Quieres comer y dormir?
-You just eat and sleep!
- ¡Acabas de comer y dormir!
And you need to eat and... sleep.
Y necesitas comer y... dormir.
Still, you should eat and sleep.
Pero necesitas comer y dormir.
I can’t eat or sleep.
No puedo comer ni dormir.
he could neither eat nor sleep;
Le era imposible comer o dormir.
How can I eat or sleep?
¿Cómo puedo comer o dormir?
They only stopped working to eat or sleep.
Sólo paraban para comer y dormir.
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