Traduction de "appear before him" à espagnol
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Well said, my love! said Shelley, heartened to see something of my natural sensibility appear before him.
¡Bien dicho, amor mío!, exclamó Shelley, animado al ver aparecer ante él un atisbo de mi sensibilidad natural.
The leader of the sect is a young man from Egypt, a cabalist who presents himself as no less than having had God appear before him and dictate a new Bible to him, one that is four or five times longer than the Old Testament.
El líder de esa secta es un joven de Egipto, un cabalista que se presenta a sí mismo como alguien que nada menos ha visto a Dios aparecer ante él a fin de dictarle una nueva Biblia, cuatro o cinco veces más extensa que el Antiguo Testamento.
Wang Lung felt in him a great pride that this woman was his and did not fear to appear before him, but would not before other men.
Wang Lung pensó con orgullo que esta mujer era suya, que no temía presentarse ante él, pero si ante los otros.
But considering the serious intimacy that, if not already flourishing, had just been born between them, Agathe cheerfully doubted whether it was appropriate to play the young lady and beg Ulrich to withdraw, so she decided to ignore the ambivalence of femininity and simply appear before him as the natural, familiar companion he should see in her, dressed or not.
Pero Agathe, divertida, pensó en la seria familiaridad que acababa de nacer entre ellos —aunque no existiera aún del todo— y dudó que pudiera permitirse el comportamiento de una joven y recatada señora, pidiendo a Ulrich que se retirara; decidió prescindir de toda feminidad equívoca y presentarse ante él como la compañera natural que, aun poco vestida, debía representar para su hermano.
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