Traduction de "gelegen auf" à anglaise
Gelegen auf
Exemples de traduction
»Zufällig kamst du mir sehr gelegen
You happened to be very conveniently located.
Der war wirklich wunderschön gelegen, was kein Wunder war.
It was a really beautiful location, and why not?
Im zentral gelegenen New York.
In centrally located New York.
Davor hatte das Fort gelegen.
The, fortress had been located in front of them.
Wenn möglich, im zentral gelegenen Peking.
If agreeable in Peking, which is centrally located.
Alles war bequem, zentral gelegen und einsam.
Everything was convenient, centrally located, and lonesome.
Und der Lift ist wahrscheinlich ziemlich zentral gelegen.
The elevator is probably centrally located.
Außerdem ist Kholis zentral gelegen und gut zu erreichen.
Further, Kholis is centrally located and has good roads.
Ihr Kopf ist deutlich ausgeprägt, groß und vorne am Körper gelegen.
Their head is distinct, big, and located up front.
Das Restaurant war in der Mitte einer Einkaufsmeile gelegen. In einer langen Meile.
The place was located midblock in a commercial strip of street. A long block.
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