Ejemplos de traducción
Special attention was paid to reuniting unaccompanied minors with their families.
Se procuró especialmente reunir con sus familias a los menores no acompañados.
(b) Broaden and strengthen the initiatives to reunite children with their families and communities;.
b) Ampliar y fortalecer las iniciativas orientadas a reunir a los niños con sus familias y comunidades;
(b) Accelerate and expand initiatives to reunite children with their families and communities;.
b) Acelerar y ampliar las iniciativas orientadas a reunir a los niños con sus familias y comunidades;
(d) Duration of placements and measures to reunite children with their parents.
d) La duración de la colocación y las medidas para reunir a los niños con sus familias.
There is evidence that up to one fifth of all unaccompanied minors can be reunited with their families.
Hay indicaciones de que se podría reunir con sus familias a la quinta parte del total de los menores no acompañados.
Mechanisms have been put in place to reunite separated family members.
La presencia de mecanismos para reunir a los familiares separados.
It had been divided, particularly during the cold war, and reunited in the 1990s.
Se dividió, especialmente durante la guerra fría, y se volvió a reunir en el decenio de 1990.
In addition, family tracing mechanism is employed to reunite rescued victims with their families.
Además, se han empleado mecanismos de localización de las familias para reunir a las víctimas rescatadas con sus familias.
In particular, measures should be taken to reunite unaccompanied children with their families.
En particular, se deberían adoptar medidas para reunir a los niños no acompañados con sus familias.
To reunite this family.
Para reunir a su familia.
- Reuniting my family.
- Reunir a mi familia.
to reunite our family,
reunir nuestra familia,
To reunite your family.
Para reunir a la familia.
We help reunite estranged families.
Ayudamos a reunir familias divididas.
And reunite a family.
Y reunir una familia.
God willing, you'll be reunited.
Si Allah quiere, se reunirá.
We must reunite the family.
Hay que reunir a la familia.
You shall be reunited with him.
Te reunirás con él.
- She has to reunite the heart...
- Debe reunir el corazón...
“Soon you’ll be reunited with him.
—Pronto se reunirá con él.
They are trying to reunite families.
Están tratando de reunir familias.
Not reunite mother with child?
¿No es reunir a madre e hijo?
Then you’ll be reunited with your friends.”
Después te reunirás con tus amigos.
The morning would reunite them.
La mañana los volvería a reunir.
Families and survivors would have to be reunited.
Habría que reunir a familiares y supervivientes.
I’ll reunite you with the rest of your family.”
Te reunirás con el resto de la familia.
I thought that was the whole point – to reunite the scrolls.
Pensé que se trataba de eso..., de reunir los rollos.
Almost all of these children have been reunited with their families.
Casi todos esos niños han logrado reunirse con sus familias.
Adults have a right to be reunited with their spouse and minor, unmarried children.
Los adultos tienen derecho a reunirse con su cónyuge y con sus hijos menores de edad y solteros.
This also applies to foreigners coming to Denmark to be reunited with a spouse.
Esta norma se aplica también a los extranjeros que llegan a Dinamarca para reunirse con su cónyuge.
(c) The right of every child to be reunited with his or her family.
c) El derecho de todos los niños a reunirse con sus familias.
2,302 children (51 per cent) who had been reunited with their parents;
* 2.302 niños (el 51%) que habían podido reunirse con sus padres;
He returned to France to reunite with his companion, had a child, and married.
Regresó a Francia para reunirse con su compañera, tuvo un hijo y contrajo matrimonio.
In this context, we affirm the right of families to be reunited and to remain together in their homeland.
A ese respecto, afirmamos el derecho de las familias a reunirse y a permanecer juntas en su patria.
She was now waiting to be reunited with her grandson at the Hanawon centre.
Ahora estaba esperando reunirse con él en el centro de Hanawon.
Families have a basic right to be reunited: this is a matter of respect for human dignity.
Las familias tienen un derecho básico a reunirse: es una cuestión de respeto de la dignidad humana.
Lovers are going to be reunited.
- Los amantes van a reunirse.
She was trying to reunite with Hank.
Ella estaba intentando reunirse con Hank.
They deserve a chance to be reunited. Okay?
Merecen la oportunidad de reunirse.
Reunite with her?
¿Reunirse con ella?
And now you'd like to be reunited.
Y ahora quiere reunirse con ella.
They should reunite after 50 years,
Deben reunirse después de 50 años,
And reunited with their friends.
A reunirse con su amigos.
She must be reunited with her babies.
Debe reunirse con sus bebés.
Help them reunite in their love.
Ayúdelos a reunirse en su amor.
If they're to be reunited.
Para que puedan reunirse.
To be reunited with the rest of their party.
Para reunirse con el resto del grupo.
Everything that had to be reunited, was.
Todo lo que tenia que reunirse, se reunió.
If he had reunited with my mother.
Si había vuelto a reunirse con mi madre.
I hope to reunite you shortly.
Espero que puedan reunirse en breve.
With not even the faintest prospect of being reunited.
Y no hay la mínima perspectiva de que vayan a reunirse.
Perhaps he would be reunited with his comrades.
Quizá volvería a reunirse con sus camaradas.
She yearned to be reunited with her dark prince.
Ansiaba reunirse con su príncipe oscuro.
being reunited with long-dead wives.
donde reunirse con esposas muertas hace mucho tiempo.
Idunn was glad to be reunited with her husband.
Idunn se alegró de poder reunirse con su esposo.
The Department of Social Welfare, NGOs' and other Civil Society Organizations are working together to reunite the members with their community.
El Departamento de Bienestar Social, algunas ONG y organizaciones de la sociedad civil trabajan conjuntamente para reconciliar a los miembros de la comunidad.
But she hardly believed that Gaëtan was the kind of man who would lie to reunite sisters.
Aunque no pensaba que Gaëton fuera de la clase de hombres que mentirían para reconciliar a dos hermanas.
Ingrid said. “Sometimes families work things out and reunite when there’s a wedding on the horizon.” Leon took Gaia’s hand. “Gaia and I are already engaged,” he said. “I hope when we get married, you’ll come to the celebration.”
A veces las bodas sirven para reconciliar a los familiares. —Gaia y yo ya estamos prometidos —contestó Leon, dando la mano a su novia—, y espero que todos asistan a nuestra boda. —¡Ah! —exclamó Ingrid—.
They have to reunite on their own free will.
Han de reconciliarse por voluntad propia.
Monica comes home long enough to reunite with Frank gets knocked up with another kid, then splits.
Monica viene a casa el tiempo suficiente para reconciliarse con Frank se embaraza de nuevo y luego se separan.
It is essential, he said, that the ego differentiates itself from the unconscious, as the archetypal “Great Mother,” in order to be reunited with it as “anima” at a higher level.
Es esencial, dijo, que el ego se escinda del inconsciente como «Madre» arquetípica, para así poder reconciliarse con ella como anima, en un nivel más elevado.
In other words, just as in myth the hero is that offshoot of the gods who wants to break free of the gods, so the ego breaks free of the soul, its matrix, in order to reflect soul, to make its potential actual, and eventually to be reunited with the realized soul to form the totality of the self.
En otras palabras, al igual que el héroe es en el mito un vástago de los dioses que desea liberarse de ellos, también el ego se libera del alma, su matriz, para así reflejarla, actualizar su potencial y, por último, reconciliarse con ella realizada para formar la totalidad del yo.
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