Traducción para "снял пальто" a ingles
Снял пальто
  • took off his coat
  • he took off his coat
Ejemplos de traducción
took off his coat
Что было после того, как он снял пальто?
What happened after he took off his coat?
Поль снял пальто и спросил, нет ли чего-нибудь выпить, чтобы согреться.
Paul took off his coat and asked if there was a hot drink
И тогда Солнце выглянуло и улыбнулось и стало теплее и человек снял пальто.
And then the Sun came out and smiled and it became warmer, and the man took off his coat.
Равик снял пальто и повесил на вешалку.
Ravic took off his coat and hung it on a hook.
Он снял пальто и бросил его на сиденье машины.
He took off his coat and threw it into the back of the car.
Рудольф снял пальто и повесил на крючок.
Rudolph took off his coat and hung it on a hook on the wall.
Он снял пальто и шляпу, повесил их на крючки.
He took off his coat and hat and put them in their places on the pegs.
Потом снял пальто и, положив его на спинку стула, спросил:
Then he took off his coat and laid it over the back of a chair.
Он снял пальто и, бросив его на стул, плюхнулся на диван:
He took off his coat, threw it on a chair, flung himself on the couch.
Мегрэ снял пальто и знаком предложил женщине снова сесть.
He took off his coat and motioned to her to sit.
Вошел Луиджи и снял пальто, шляпу, ботинки и носки.
Luigi came in and took off his coat, hat, shoes and socks.
Он снял пальто и бросил его на стул, где раньше сидела она.
He took off his coat and tossed it over a chair before following her.
he took off his coat
Он снял пальто, облегченно вздохнул, осободившись наконец от слишком теплого шарфа.
He took off his coat and sighed with relief as he pulled off his hot scarf.
Когда он снял пальто и показал черную кровь на рубашке, она лишь устало покачала головой.
As he took off his coat, she noticed the black blood on his shirt and shook her head wearily.
Я последовал примеру Барретта и снял пальто, но потом, когда он, посмотрев исподлобья, сказал: «Подождите здесь», – я не послушался.
I copied his example when he took off his coat, but when he scowled at me and said, "Wait here a minute,"
Он снял пальто, затем шарф, так как после почти бессонной ночи от стоявшей в комнате жары у него кружилась голова.
He took off his coat and his scarf, because, after an almost sleepless night, the heat was going to his head and making him dizzy.
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