Ejemplos de traducción
Lottava per la sua vita.
Fighting for his life.
Sotto, vidi Madison che lottava.
Underneath, I saw Madison. Fighting.
Mentre lei lottava contro il mondo, io lottavo per la mia vita.
While she was fighting the world... I was fighting for my life.
- Lottava per uscire da qui.
- Fighting to get out.
- Lottava per sopravvivere.
He was fighting for his life.
Lottava per riconquistarla.
He was just fighting to get it back.
- Lottavo per la mia liberta'?
Fighting for my freedom?
Cosi' com'era, lottava.
As it was, she was fighting.
Quando lottavo per la pace.
Fighting for peace.
Lottavo contro cento persone.
Fighting before a crowd of a hundred.
- E lei lottava contro tutti e tre, vero?
Struggle with all three, did she?
Stavo strangolando il signor Makeba che lottava.
I started to strangle Mr Makeba, he struggled.
Carlos lottava contro il rimorso.
- That's it. Carlos struggled with remorse...
Lottava col suo carattere. Questo e' vero.
He struggled with his temper, that's a fact.
Sa, lottava con tutto se stesso.
You know, he was struggling.
- Io lottavo perché ero giovane!
- I was struggling because I was young.
E mentre lottavi hai perso questo.
And you lost this in the struggle.
Lottava con tutte le sue forze.
Struggling real hard and stuff.
E probabilmente vi lottava.
And likely struggling with her.
onore e valore in battaglia erano le virtu' per cui un guerriero lottava.
Honor and valor on the battlefield were the values that a warrior strived for.
E si lottava continuamente su questo tema.
And there were battles all the time on this subject.
Anche prima di quello lottava contro la droga.
Even before that he was battling that shit.
Por lì, al lejos, está la baia e l'accampamento ... donde lottava contro i suoi demoni .
Off there in the distance is his bay and his campsite where he battled his demons.
Donald lottava col suo peso da una vita.
Donald had battled a weight problem his whole life.
lottava contro orde di stranieri.
It battled hordes of outsiders.
Lottava per la custodia dei tigli.
He was havin' a custody battle with his ex-wife.
Lottava con loro.
He used to wrestle with them.
Perche' lottavi con quel barbone l'altro giorno?
Hey, what was with you wrestling that bum the other day?
- Perche' lottavi con la mamma di Ethan?
Why were you wrestling with Ethan's mommy?
Un tempo lottavo con un altro nome.
Used to wrestle under a different name.
Poi, al contrario di Vig, io lottavo.
Secondly, unlike Vig, I actually used to wrestle.
Abby, tuo padre era come un furetto arrabbiato quando lottava.
Abby, your dad was like an angry little ferret when he wrestled.
Lottavo nei 46 chili, ma non piu'.
I used to wrestle 103, but that's not gonna happen.
- Hai detto che un tempo lottavi.
- You said you used to wrestle.
"E la gamba di Giacobbe si slogò mentre lottava con lui."
"And the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint as he wrestled with him."
Sfortunatamente per lui, all'epoca già lottavo contro la mia molto meno metaforica... dipendenza.
Unfortunately for him, by that time, I was myself wrestling with my own far less metaphorical addictions.
"Altri prima di me, hanno sudato caldo e freddo, mentre imbrigliata da ghiaccio e fuoco la paura lottava col desiderio."
" More than I, if truth were told, " have stood and sweated, hot and cold. And through their reigns in ice and fire, fear contended with desire.
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