Traducción para "own church" a español
Own church
Ejemplos de traducción
Nevertheless, it was emphasized that members of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia were able to practise their religion and to have their own church, which had to have the status of a church of the diaspora.
No obstante, se subrayó que los fieles ortodoxos serbios de la ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia podían practicar su religión y tener su propia Iglesia, que debía tener el estatuto de Iglesia de la diáspora.
The teachers have no special training, except limited in-service training in trauma counselling provided by their own Church.
Los profesores no han recibido formación especial, con excepción de algún cursillo sobre psicoterapia de traumas dispensado por su propia Iglesia.
Tu propia iglesia.
Right in my own church.
En mi propia iglesia.
In his own church.
En su propia iglesia.
They have their own church.
Tienen su propia iglesia.
I'll start my own church.
Iniciaré mi propia iglesia.
Somebody's building their own church.
Alguien está construyendo su propia iglesia.
Yes, my own church.
Sí, mi propia iglesia.
This was my own church.
Era mi propia iglesia.
I started my own church.
He fundado mi propia Iglesia.
- We're going to set up our own church.
- Construiremos nuestra propia iglesia.
Even started my own church.
Incluso abrí mi propia iglesia.
Your own Church fully agrees on the matter.
Vuestra propia Iglesia está completamente de acuerdo en esto.
You never created your own church, Carpenter?
–¿Nunca creaste tu propia Iglesia, Carpentier?
"I've started my own church," Haze said.
—He fundado mi propia iglesia —dijo Haze—.
please behave as you would in your own church.
por favor, compórtense como lo harían en su propia iglesia.
You have forgotten the doctrine of your own church, is it not so?
Tú has olvidado la doctrina de tu propia Iglesia, ¿no es así?
I saw him again today in my own church.
Hoy he vuelto a verla en mi propia iglesia.
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