Traducción para "hands and fingers" a español
Hands and fingers
Ejemplos de traducción
There was widespread misuse of the handcuffs by the Israeli soldiers who tightened the plastic handcuffs to an extent that caused pain, swelling, a loss of blood circulation in the hands and the loss of sensitivity in their hands and fingers.
Muchos de los soldados israelíes las apretaron demasiado, lo que causó a quien las llevaba dolor e hinchazón, les cortó la circulación de las manos e hizo que perdieran la sensibilidad en manos y dedos.
(3) Loss of an arm, leg, hand, foot, finger or any other organ;
3) Pérdida de brazos, piernas, manos, pies, dedos o de cualquier otro órgano;
The leg-lock was reported to have caused injuries such as abrasions to the wrists and nerve damage, resulting in pain and long-term numbness and tingling in the shoulders, arms, hands or fingers.
Se notificó que este método había causado daños como abrasiones en las muñecas y lesiones neurológicas, con el resultado de dolor, entumecimiento prolongado y hormigueo en hombros, brazos, manos o dedos.
The second stage wizards are hand wizards. Whose magic is performed by gestures of the hands, and fingers.
Segundo, mago por gestos de las manos y dedos.
As waves... my whole hands and fingers tingled as I felt this liquid light into the core of my being and I felt pure love.
Hicieron cosquillas en mis manos y dedos al sentir esta luz líquida en el centro de mi ser y sentí puro amor.
Keep your hands and fingers off.
Mantén tus manos y dedos fuera.
And the little Kitty purr-purr-purred as the hands and fingers of her owner tickle-tickle-tickled her under her chinny-chin-chin.
"y el pequeño gatito ron-ro-neó" y las manos y dedos de su dueño lo rasca-rasca rascaron bajo su hoci-hoci-quito.
Their hands—their fingers—were particularly lifelike.
Las manos —los dedos— resultaban especialmente realistas.
She had only her hands, her fingers, her nails.
Ella sólo tenía sus manos, sus dedos, sus uñas.
He held out both his hands. His fingers shook.
Alargó las manos, con dedos temblorosos.
Little hands and fingers clutched at Lin as she passed.
Pequeñas manos y dedos tocaban a Lin a su paso.
Despite the broadness of his hands, the fingers were long and slim.
Pese a lo ancho de sus manos, los dedos eran largos y finos.
When she took the cup from his hands, their fingers slid together.
Cuando ella le cogió la copa de las manos, sus dedos se entrelazaron.
The shepherd works with both hands, his fingers trembling from the effort.
El pastor maniobra con ambas manos, sus dedos tiemblan de firmeza.
She had slender hands, white fingers that tapped her hip.
Carmen tenía las manos finas, dedos blancos con los que tamborileaba sobre las caderas.
Their hands and fingers clutched her, held her fast, bound her in ropes of hunger.
Sus manos y dedos la agarraron, la sacudieron y la sujetaron con avidez.
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