Traducción para "causing him" a español
Causing him
Ejemplos de traducción
2. If the guardian is convicted of assaulting a youngster or juvenile by wounding, severely beating or deliberately causing him harm;
2. Si el guardián es declarado culpable de agredir a un infante o menor causándole lesiones, golpeándolo fuertemente o causándole daños deliberadamente;
They were causing him more trouble than he had expected.
Estaban causándole más problemas de los que había esperado.
Too many younger people squeezed too hard, causing him real pain.
Muchos jóvenes apretaban demasiado fuerte, causándole auténtico dolor.
It was unfortunate that his own friends had slandered him and caused him such distress.
Por desgracia, sus propios compañeros lo calumniaron, causándole toda aquella mortificación.
The young rogue had swaggered about Edinburgh, lining his pockets, causing him nothing but trouble.
Ese joven bribón se había exhibido por Edimburgo llenándose los bolsillos y causándole problemas.
There is no way of telling what new misfortune may pass this way to cause him further distress.
Quién sabe qué nueva desgracia pasará por aquí, causándole un daño mayor.
It was her first intimation that he was not to remain in her room, a possibility that had already caused him some inward embarrassment.
Era la primera indicación que le hacía de no dormir en su habitación, cosa que había estado causándole bastante violencia.
When he put up both hands to protect his head, the blow landed on his knuckles, causing him considerable pain.
A Q levantó ambos brazos para proteger su cabeza y el garrotazo le dio en los nudillos, causándole bastante dolor.
Philoctetes’s wound continued to cause him intense pain, but he kept alive by eating the roots and seeds of asphodel and by shooting wild birds.
La herida de Filoctetes continuo causándole un intenso dolor, pero sobrevivió comiendo raíces y semillas de asfódelo y cazando pájaros salvajes.
But again he regained his feet, wrenching Henchard's arm considerably, and causing him sharp pain, as could be seen from the twitching of his face.
Pero Farfrae volvió a incorporarse y logró retorcer el brazo libre de su contrincante, causándole un gran dolor, visible en las muecas de su cara.
He was ever anxious about the weather and, when he could think of nothing else to be anxious about, he became worried that he must have forgotten something important that should have been causing him worry.
Se angustiaba hasta por el tiempo y, cuando no se le ocurría nada más por lo que inquietarse, se intranquilizaba por si se había olvidado de algo importante que debiera estar causándole preocupación.
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