Traducción para "vida entera" a ingles
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Pues bien, los israelíes solían asaltarnos, apagar las luces, arrojar la comida al suelo y trastornar nuestra vida entera." (Testigo anónimo No. 22, A/AC.145/RT.613/Add.1)
Well, the Israelis used to storm in, put out the lights, throw the food on the floor and disrupt our entire life." (Anonymous witness No. 22, A/AC.145/RT.613/Add.1)
El Comité está preocupado por el hecho de que la excepción al principio de jus soli referente a extranjeros "en tránsito" se aplique sistemáticamente de forma excesivamente generalizada incluso a las mujeres que han pasado muchos años, si no la vida entera, en la República Dominicana y a las mujeres migrantes sin prueba de una condición regular, y que, por tanto, sus niños no pueden recibir la nacionalidad dominicana al nacer.
The Committee is concerned that the exception to the jus soli principle relating to foreigners "in transit" is systematically applied in an excessively broad fashion even to women who have spent many years, if not their entire life, in the Dominican Republic and to migrant women without proof of regular status, and whose children therefore cannot receive Dominican nationality at birth.
Como ya se señaló, la Comisión está presidida por el Defensor del Pueblo y entre sus miembros se cuenta un conocido sacerdote que ha dedicado su vida entera al bienestar de los presos.
As already pointed out, the Commission had been presided over by the Ombudsman and its members had included a well-known priest who had devoted his entire life to the welfare of prisoners.
Concebidos por nuestro desaparecido Presidente Cheddi Jagan, cuya vida entera se dedicó a dar posibilidades a los pobres y los débiles – no sólo en su Guyana nativa sino en todo el mundo –, los lineamientos de este nuevo orden han sido presentados en importantes foros internacionales, incluyendo la Cumbre Mundial sobre Desarrollo Social, que se celebró en 1995 en Dinamarca.
Conceived by our late President Cheddi Jagan, whose entire life was dedicated to empowering the poor and the weak — not only in his native Guyana, but throughout the world — the outlines of this new order have been presented at major international forums, including the World Summit for Social Development, which was held in 1995 in Denmark.
- Arruinarás tu vida entera.
- fuck up your entire life!
Desperdiciaste tu vida entera.
You wasted your entire life.
- de mi vida entera.
- of my entire life.
Tiene la vida entera entre paréntesis.
Her entire life is between parentheses.
Habían revuelto su vida entera.
His entire life had been ransacked.
En realidad, mi vida entera está arruinada.
In fact, my entire life is in shambles.
La vida entera está contenida en cada dedo.
The entire life is in each finger.
Tuvo usted una vida entera antes que ésta.
You had an entire life before this one.
Le había robado su vida entera.
He had stolen Makoto's entire life from him.
Todo lo que sé es que lo he tenido durante mi vida entera.
“All I know is I’ve had it my entire life.
La vida entera se desenvuelve en este Ahora constante.
Your entire life unfolds in this constant Now.
Es que su vida entera había dado un vuelco.
She had turned her entire life upside-down.
Como gran humanista y protector de la moral, el Papa Juan Pablo II dedicó su vida entera a la liberación espiritual, el mejoramiento moral personal y el desarrollo de la tolerancia en la humanidad.
As a great humanist and protector of morality, Pope John Paul II dedicated his whole life to spiritual liberation, moral self-betterment and the development of tolerance among mankind.
Fue una personalidad internacional destacada y sumamente respetada que luchó con coraje y generosidad, a costa de un gran sacrificio personal, por la causa palestina y por una patria independiente para el pueblo palestino, al que dedicó su vida entera.
He was a towering and highly respected international personality who fought selflessly and courageously, at great personal sacrifice, for the Palestinian cause and an independent homeland for the Palestinian people, to which he dedicated his whole life.
Su vida entera está aquí.
This is their whole life here.
Requiere una vida entera».
It requires a whole life.
Ya eres mi vida entera.
You’ve become my whole life.”
Su vida entera peligraba.
His whole life was in jeopardy.
Su vida entera era una lista.
Her whole life was a list.
Una vida entera terminaba allí.
A whole life ended there.
Su vida entera era su familia.
His whole life was his family.
He arruinado mi vida entera.
I've ruined my whole life.”
¿No es mi vida entera regalo suyo?
Is not my whole life his gift?
Una vida entera era una vida entera, sin importar los años que durara.
A lifetime was a lifetime, regardless of its years.
De sobra, para una vida entera.
Enough for a lifetime.
Parecía una vida entera.
It felt like a lifetime.
Para una vida entera de cosas.
A lifetime's worth of things."
Y ya me parece una vida entera.
It seems like a lifetime already.
Pasó una vida entera, y luego otra.
A lifetime passed and another.
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