Traducción para "se avergonzaba de ello" a ingles
Se avergonzaba de ello
Ejemplos de traducción
No le agradaba, pero tampoco se avergonzaba de ello.
Ramón didn’t like it, but he wasn’t ashamed of it either.
No había pensado en ella hasta ese instante y se avergonzaba de ello.
He had not thought of her, until then, and he was ashamed.
Él lo sabía y se avergonzaba de ello y, quizá sin querer, me contagiaba su vergüenza.
He knew it, he was ashamed of it, and perhaps without wanting to, he involved me in his own shame.
le gustaba sentirse lo más libre posible y si se avergonzaba de ello, al menos podía no mentir al respecto.
he plainly did like being free of restraint at least so far, and if he were ashamed of it he might at least not lie about it.
—No quiero obligarla a viajar de nuevo con este tiempo —dijo, pero su voz era insegura y supe que no decía la verdad y se avergonzaba de ello—. Mil marcos de oro y cuantas deudas podamos condonar. Yo carezco de la habilidad de mi pueblo para comerciar con dinero —siguió diciendo—.
“I wouldn’t have her travel again in this weather,” he said, but his voice was unsteady and I knew he was saying something false, and he was ashamed of it. “One thousand gold marks and whatever debts we can remit. I don’t share the tribal gift for money lending,”
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