Traducción para "perdonaba" a ingles
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La Señorita Ocho dijo que te perdonaba.
Miss Ocho says she forgives you.
Pero era yo el que no se perdonaba.
But it was me who wouldn't forgive me.
Dije que te perdonaba.
I said I forgive you.
Perdonaba a todo el mundo por lo que sea.
Would forgive anyone for anything.
Pero Lori dijo que tu me perdonabas.
But Lori said you'd forgive me.
¿Te perdonaba por qué?
Te perdonaba cualquier cosa.
I'd forgive you anything.
Vine a preguntarle si me perdonabas.
I came to ask you if you'd forgive me.
No se lo perdonaba.
She could not forgive herself.
Y eso no se lo perdonaba Delaney.
Delaney could not forgive him that.
Pero no perdonaba fácilmente.
But he did not readily forgive.
No se perdonaba no recordar.
He could not forgive himself for not remembering.
Tampoco le perdonaba.
Nor did I forgive him.
Que te perdono. —Ya dije que me perdonabas.
That I forgive you.” “I already told them you forgive me.
Por tanto, no perdonaba aquellas habladurías.
So he could not forgive the gossip.
Sus ojos brillaban, perdonaba.
His eyes were twinkling and forgiving.
Egipto había llenado un vacío legal en virtud del cual, en los casos de secuestro, se perdonaba al secuestrador que contrajere matrimonio con la víctima, y prohibió la circuncisión femenina salvo en casos de necesidad médica.
Egypt has removed a loophole wherein a perpetrator would be pardoned if he married his victim in cases of abduction, and has banned female circumcision except for reasons of medical necessity.
Para deciros que pedía perdón y que perdonaba.
To tell you that I begged your pardon and that I forgave you.
—¿Se perdonaba a alguien?
“Was anyone ever pardoned?”
—Pero siempre perdonaba a individuos…
‘But he was always pardoning people.’
La Virgen era buena ¿cierto?, todo lo perdonaba ¿cierto?
The Virgin was good, wasn’t she?, she pardoned everything, didn’t she?
Por fin se había salido de ese régimen odioso y se perdonaba a Inglaterra.
But at last England had emerged from this odious order of things, and had won its pardon.
No le perdonaba que me abrumase con todo lo que solamente ella había de darme en el mundo, todo lo que yo no habría de conocer de nadie más que de ella.
I did not pardon her for what she was to prove the only person in the world to give me—for what I was never to know except through her.
Lincoln perdonaba a los centinelas que se habían quedado dormidos de servicio, arguyendo que era duro para los chicos de las granjas romper sus costumbres campestres.
Lincoln pardoned the sentries who fell asleep on duty, saying it was hard for farm boys to break their country habits.
Ella sonrió para indicar que le perdonaba y luego le miró la cara sin parpadear siquiera, lo cual le puso todavía más nervioso.
She smiled to show the young man that she pardoned him and then looked at his face without so much as a blink, making him even more nervous.
Siempre me perdonaba a mí mismo, recordándome que mi motivo no era tanto saquear el trabajo ajeno como procurarme un cierto grado de alivio.
Always I gave myself pardon, afterward, by reminding myself that my motive was not to pillage the labor of others so much as to obtain a degree of relief for myself.
Gracias a estos expedientes era inútil el viaje, y, con un tercio del importe, se les perdonaba a los fieles todos sus pecados como si hubiesen cumplido las condiciones de su peregrinación.
the journey by this expedient was rendered unnecessary, and sins were pardoned for a third of what it would have cost, and just as completely as if the faithful had fulfilled every condition of the pilgrimage.
Así pues, no se perdonaba ni a las niñas ni a las ancianas.
Under-age children and elderly women were not spared.
Tampoco se perdonaba a las mujeres encintas.
Pregnant women were not spared either.
Supe entonces por qué se me perdonaba la vida.
I knew why my life had been spared.
Había cinco porque planeabais arrestar al Gobernador si le perdonaba la vida a Tommy Barrett.
There were five because you planned to arrest the Governor if he spared Tommy Barrett's life.
A punto de morir... el Rey Escorpión hizo un pacto con el dios siniestro Anubis... por el cual si Anubis le perdonaba la vida... y le dejaba derrotar a sus enemigos... él le entregaría su alma.
Near death... the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis... that if Anubis would spare his life... and let him conquer his enemies... he would give him his soul.
Si sobrevivían, se les perdonaba.
If they survived, they were spared.
Le dije que si perdonaba la vida de mi hermano...
Told him if he spared my brother's life...
Prometí a Urko hacer perder a Virdon si perdonaba a Gregor.
I promised Urko I'd make Virdon lose if Gregor was spared.
Tampoco les perdonaba una.
He didn't spare them either.
A cambio, se les perdonaba la vida.
In return, their lives would be spared.
No se perdonaba ni a mujeres ni a niños.
Women and children were not spared.
No perdonaba a hombre ni mujer.
He spared neither man nor woman.
Para conseguir este fin no perdonaba medio.
To this end he did not spare himself.
¡Cómo anacoreta, no se perdonaba usted jamás;
As a hermit you did not spare yourself;
No estaba seguro de por qué le perdonaba la vida al vampiro.
I wasn’t sure why I’d spared the vampire.
No perdonaba a nadie, rico ni pobre, bueno o malo.
It spared no one, rich or poor, good or bad.
Pero tenía una lengua dura y mordaz que no perdonaba a nada ni a nadie.
But she had a dry and acrid tongue, and spared nothing and nobody.
Pero si ahora la perdonaba, ¿cómo se enfrentaría al hombre?
But if he spared her, how would he deal with the man?
Pobre hombre, pensó Kivrin, no se le perdonaba ninguna indignidad.
Poor man, Kivrin thought, he was not to be spared any indignities.
se mostraba indulgente ante nuestra confusa promiscuidad organizativa, la perdonaba como un defecto moderno, pero por instinto estaba en contra.
was indulgent toward our domestic promiscuity, excusing it as a modern flaw, yet she instinctively opposed it.
Más de una vez, había pensado que en Italia a una persona se le perdonaba cualquier atrocidad si alegaba que lo había hecho por motivos fiscales.
He sometimes believed that a person in Italy could be excused any horror, any enormity, simply by saying that it was done for tax reasons.
Nunca le habían pedido, literalmente, que les limpiara el culo —si le perdonaba la expresión—, pero tampoco podía descartarlo como algo posible en un futuro.
He hadn’t literally been asked – if I would excuse his language – to wipe someone’s arse for them, but he didn’t doubt it was a possibility.
Pero el amor, recordaba el cura por las confesiones oídas, era mayor que la fe y la esperanza, y lo perdonaba todo, lo soportaba todo, lo excusaba todo, y finalmente se culpaba a sí mismo por la malignidad ajena.
But love, the priest remembered, was greater than faith and hope, and forgave all things, endured all things, excused all things-and finally blamed itself for the evil of others.
La temprana revelación de las pasiones masculinas de Martin la enorgullecía, aunque no podía ignorar el hecho de que, si bien Alia era una joven dulce y amable, tal vez fuera «un poquito demasiado rápida», como dicen los ingleses, y mientras justificaba la locura de su hijo, Sofía no perdonaba la atractiva vulgaridad de Alia.
Martin’s early revelation of manly passions made her proud, yet she could not ignore the fact that even though Alla was a sweet, affable young lady, she was perhaps a little too “fast,” as the English say, and, while excusing her son’s folly, Sofia did not excuse Alla’s attractive vulgarity.
Al ver los logros que describían aquellos recortes, se percataba una y otra vez de lo egoísta que había sido, de hasta qué punto había estado totalmente absorto en su mundo, mientras ella le amaba desde lejos, esperaba su regreso a casa, se lo perdonaba todo y lo excusaba ante los niños.
Seeing his accomplishments described in the clippings, he realized again and again how selfish he had been, how totally absorbed in his own world, while she loved him from afar, waited for him to come home, forgave him everything, and made excuses for him to the children.
Yo se lo perdonaba, lo mismo que todas, porque sabíamos lo mucho que sufría, y hacía falta mucho valor para trasladar la esfera de influencia personal de un teatro abarrotado a un grupo de mujeres bobas, aunque creo que todas sabíamos que la compañía de las mujeres no tenía ningún atractivo para Julia y por eso podía dedicarnos su atención a cada una y alterarnos tanto cuando lo hacía.
I excused this, as we all did, because we knew that her suffering was quite genuine and that it took some courage to transpose her sphere of influence from a full theatre to a group of silly women, although I think that each of us knew that the company of women held no charm for her and that she could turn her attention to each one of us and leave us unsettled as a result.
¿Creería que Isabel perdonaba aquello? Seguro que no.
Did she think Isabel condoned this? Surely not.
No perdonaba uno solo de sus hechos o sus intenciones.
She never condoned one of his deeds or even his intentions.
Hillela optaba por un bando en el horror general, perdonaba los medios por los fines;
She took sides in the general horror, she condoned means for ends;
De hecho, perdonaba que Ed le hiciese el salto, pero jamás pensó que la abandonaría.
She was virtually openly condoning Ed's carrying on on the side but she never thought he'd leave her.
Por entonces, el agente Mulder la había considerado una espía enviada por los peces gordos del departamento, que no perdonaba el apasionado interés que sentía por los fenómenos inexplicados.
At the time, Agent Mulder had considered her a spy for Bureau higher-ups who did not condone his pas-sionate interest in unexplained phenomena.
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