Traducción para "adentro con" a ingles
Adentro con
Ejemplos de traducción
inside with
Si usted está adentro y cierran desde afuera, no podrá salir nunca.
If you are inside and it is closed from the outside, you can never get out.
Estos helicópteros cambiaron de rumbo, en dirección de Mandali, muy adentro del territorio iraquí.
These helicopters were then re-routed in the direction of Mandali, deep inside Iraqi territory.
Y agregó: "cuando me aprehendieron vino un auto y quienes estaban adentro hablaban ruso y georgiano.
He added: "When I was captured, a car came around and people inside were talking Russian and Georgian.
Una mezquita fue blanco de una bomba incendiaria en Bolton cuando había 20 personas adentro.
A mosque was fire-bombed in Bolton when there were 20 people inside.
El desarrollo comienza desde adentro.
Development starts from the inside.
La autora corrió adentro buscando otra salida, pero solo encontró un cuarto de baño (comfort room).
The author ran inside to look for another exit, but found only a bathroom.
Demolieron las viviendas, y todo lo que había adentro.
They destroyed the houses, as well as everything inside.
Una vez adentro me cubrieron la cabeza con una manta y me ataron con un cable o cinturón.
Inside they put a blanket over my head that was tied around me with a wire or belt.
En algunas zonas, el muro se adentra hasta 6 kilómetros en la Ribera Occidental.
In some areas, the wall is located as deep as 6 kilometres inside the West Bank.
La Armada de la República de Corea tuvo que cortar el submarino debido a que la tripulación norcoreana lo había cerrado desde adentro.
The Navy had to cut open the submarine because the North Korean crew had locked it from the inside.
Adentro con la niña.
Inside with the kid.
- Está adentro con Therus.
- She's inside with Therus.
Estábamos adentro con Paco.
We were inside with Paco.
¡Está adentro con nosotros!
He is inside with us!
- Adentro, con tu compañera.
- Inside, with your partner.
- Adentro, con tu mamá.
- He's inside with your mother.
- Adentro, con Suzanne.
- He's inside with Suzanne.
La bolsa que tenía la caja adentro ¿Y adentro de la caja?
The bag with the box inside it. And inside the box?
—Tiene que salir de adentro y yo ya no tengo nada adentro.
“It has to come from inside, and I don’t have anything left inside.”
¿Había algo adentro?
Was there anything inside?
Y yo estaré adentro.
And I'll be there inside.
Adentro, con los sacerdotes.
Inside with the priests.’
Adentro estaba oscuro.
It was black inside.
Con la foto adentro.
With the picture inside it.
- Está adentro con Rollins.
- He's in with Rollins.
Está adentro con Lois.
She's in with Lois.
Adentro con el "miau".
In with the meow.
Estaré adentro con tu comida.
I'll be right in with your dinner.
Corrine está adentro con Megan.
-Corrine's in with Megan.
Está adentro con un paciente.
He's in with a patient.
Kane está adentro con Cullen.
Kane's in with Cullen.
Está adentro con su novio.
No. She's in with her boyfriend.
- Está adentro con el padre.
-Well, he's in with the Father.
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