Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
L'autre chevalier regarda longtemps lui aussi le miroir en se plaçant à la droite et se rendit compte de son erreur: la lumière reflétée par le miroir vu de la droite était bien dorée.
It was not long before the first knight, coming from the road on the right hand side, got up from the ground and took a careful look at the mirror from the left hand side of the crossing.
Lorsque Abraham regarda le ciel de Our, ce dernier s'ouvrit à lui et en raison de cette révélation, Abraham devint le père d'une multitude de peuples.
When Abraham looked at the heavens above Ur, they opened up to him and, by this revelation, Abraham became the Father of a multitude of peoples.
Zelda regarda le ramoneur.
Zelda looked at the chimney sweep.
Elle le regarda
She looked at him.
La grenouille le regarda.
Frog looks at him.
Tom les regarda, inquiet.
"Tom looked around, worried:"
Jack la regarda ardemment.
Jack looked at her lustily.
Elle se retourna, et regarda, regarda... regarda.
Then she turned and looked and looked and looked.
Juste me regarda.
Just looked at me.
"Elle regarda en arrière."
She looked back "longingly."
Et elle regarda autour de lui, et elle me regarda fixement.
And she looked around, and she looked straight at me.
Mais il regarda derrière.
But then he looked back.
Quand le train fut parti, il regarda s'éloigner les petites lumières
And after the train took off, he watched its receding lights,
L'autre garçon s'assit et les regarda.
The other boy just sat on the slope and watched.
Six fois il la regarda tisser sa toile, et six fois elle échoua.
Six times he watched her spin that web and six times she failed.
Il avait peur et regarda par la lorgnette...
♪ He was scared and watched through the peephole... ♪
Là, il regarda, impuissant, le démantèlement de son armée.
Here, he watched helplessly the cruel breaking of his army.
"Elle leur souffla un baiser d'adieu et les regarda s'envoler."
She blew everyone a kiss goodbye and watched as they blew away.
Et il la regarda avaler jusqu'à la dernière goutte.
He blew his load into her hot, juicy mouth, watching her swallow every last drop.
Trouvant ce jeu intéressant, il s'assit et les regarda jouer.
He thought it was interesting, so he sat down and watched their play.
"Après le petit-déjeuner, Bruce regarda le groupe partir en chasse."
"After breakfast, Bruce watched the party get away on the chase."
Nicholas Ray, regarda par-dessus son épaule pour voir Crawford trembler de fureur.
...elicited applause from the cast and crew director, Nicholas Ray, gazed over his shoulder to see Crawford shaking with fury.
Pendant 1 0 mois, brave mais impuissant, Gordon regarda la rive éloignée du Nil, attendant des renforts qui n'arrivèrent Jamais.
For 1 0 months, defiant but helpless Gordon could gaze across to the far bank of the Niie waiting for relief which never came.
Alouda regarda son village.
Aluda cast a final gaze.
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